Heuglini adult, December 06 2010, Maagan Michael, Israel. Pictures: Amir Ben Dov.
Probably adult heuglini, with obvious black on bill. New outer primary coverts seem to be plain grey, as in adults. Last stage of the complete moult with P9-P10 still growing by mid-December.
In the field, the pale grey upper-parts suggested michahellis.
In the west Mediterranean, this moult stage would be extremely late in michahellis. Late primary moult, black on P2-P10, rather dark slate-grey upper-parts (instead of blueish grey) and head streaking concentrated in the hind-neck suggest heuglini. Adult heuglini more often show a bill-band in full adult plumage and much more black on the inner primaries. Moreover, heuglini is a common species at Maagan Michael. 
