Heuglin's Gull (L. heuglini / antelius)(last update: |
Larus fuscus intermedius JXJ4 4cy, February 09 2012, Layonne rubbish tip, Western Sahara (27°04'18"N 013°23'31"W). Pictures: Morten Helberg.Black on P4-P10. Extensive head streaking and much black on the bill. P9 fully grown, P10 still growing by February. Note missing inner secondaries, at classic location when the complete moult is to be finished soon. CR-Code Black ring with white code: JXJ4 LBNW(JXJ4);RBM Ringed on July 12 2009 at Rauna, Farsund, Vest-Agder, Norway (58°03'33"N 006°40'10"E), by Marton Berntsen. |