Heuglin's Gull (L. heuglini / antelius)

(last update: 26-2-2014)

Amir Ben Dov (Israel)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Hannu Koskinen (Finland)
Mars Muusse (the Netherlands)

Larus fuscus graellsii 7A sub-adult, May 09 2006, Moerdijk, the Netherlands.

Sub-adult male, trapped on the nest. Vermillion orbital ring. Black on P4-P10. P4 minute spot. Mirror on P9. Broad sub-terminal band on P10. Much black on primary coverts (bird therefore classified 'sub-adult') and much black on the bill. Orange gape. Note dark wash on centres of secondaries and grey-shade on underwing greater primary coverts.