Heuglin's Gull (L. heuglini / antelius)

(last update: 26-2-2014)

Amir Ben Dov (Israel)
Chris Gibbins (Scotland)
Hannu Koskinen (Finland)
Mars Muusse (the Netherlands)

Possible heuglini adult, February 19 2012, Zagreb landfill, Croatia.

Most attention went to the adult with active moult in the inner secondaries and P9-P10. But we had 7 birds of the LBBG-complex. Here is another: the 'Lesser Black-backed Gull' caught with cannon netting, compared to michahellis.
Vermillion orbital ring. Extensive head streaking. Black on P4-P10. No mirror on P9. In Buzun's terminology, these P10 spots (he uses "2 mirrors") would be called 'closed' (not reaching the feather's edge).