lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg ad January |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii BLB L106388 10CY-13CY, 2012-2015, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage.Ringed as pullus at Zeebrugge, Belgium on July 12 2003. Probably female. Observation at quai de la loire at Calais,Pas-de-Calais, Fr: below: 13CY BLB L106388 May 04 2015, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. And again on the fence. below: 12CY BLB L106388 April 11 2014, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. The 'post' man. below: 11CY BLB L106388 May 18 2013, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. Nest with 3 eggs. below: 11CY BLB L106388 April 27 2013, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. Again in the colony. below: 10CY BLB L106388 April 13 2012, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. below: 10CY BLB L106388 April 07 2012, Calais, NW France. Picture: Jean-Michel Sauvage. |