Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii & intermedius)(last update:
lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad January lbbg adult January |
second calendar year: April Normally, LBBG do not winter in the Netherlands, but depending on winter conditions some may stay in the most south-western point of our country at Westkapelle, Zeeland. Most LBBG present are believed to belong to the race intermedius originating from Denmark to Norway (Vest-Agder). Nevertheless, some local Dutch graellsii -of the type 'Dutch intergrade'- may stay during winter as well, as Dutch colour-ringed individuals showed in winter 2000/2001 at Westkapelle and IJmuiden, near Amsterdam (see distribution maps for locations). Post-juvenile moult in LBBGThe post-juvenile moult in large white-headed gulls in Europe is variable among the species. "The standard" post-juvenile moult is set by Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) and Great Black-backed Gull (L. marinus). These species have a rather restricted post-juvenile moult. Juvenile birds from southern populations normally replace scapulars before the end of the calendar year. They do not include any tertials, wing-coverts or flight feathers in this post-juvenile moult (about 1-2% do replace single wing-coverts; it's a matter of definition if this should be interpreted as 'moult', as it is often not symmetric in the wings). Birds from northern populations often remain in completely juvenile plumage, except for a few small upper scapulars that will be replaced for 2nd generation feathers. However, ringed birds with northern origin sometimes follow a southern moult timing as well. A few illustrations of this "Herring Gull standard" below: The gulls depicted above are all example birds with limited post-juvenile moult (no coverts, no tertials, no flight feathers), which is the standard in Herring Gull and Great Black-backed Gull. Two other taxa hatch slightly earlier in the season, and both have a more extensive post-juvenile moult: Caspian Gull (L. cachinnans) and Yellow-legged Gull (L. michahellis). Both species have all scapulars replaced by mid November (except for the odd retarded bird, or relatively late moulting subspecies e.g. L. m. lusitanius). By the end of the year, cachinnans and michahellis have all scapulars replaced, and many birds also replace wing-coverts and tertials in the post-juvenile moult of their hatch year. Moulting wing-coverts or tertials make these birds different from the Herring Gull standard. A few example birds below: Both Caspian and Yellow-legged Gull are early hatching and fletching species, in which the post-juvenile moult starts early in the season. The end of this post-juvenile moult is reached by mid-November. After this date, its normally only a low pace progress in scapular replacement that continues; there will be no new moult gaps in the wing-coverts nor in the tertials. This time schedule is important to remember when dealing with Lesser Black-backed Gull subspecies; western taxon graellsii can match to the schedule of michahellis (albeit slightly -4 weeks- later, but still before the end of the year), while Scandinavian taxa intermedius and fuscus are much later in post-juvenile moult commencement. In short, it is possible to observe 2CY graellsii and 2CY intermedius side-by-side in N Europe in May or June, both birds looking pretty much the same regarding feather replacement, but the wear in the fringes is completely different. Graellsii replaced wing-coverts early in the winter (October-November), while many intermedius moult these same feather tracts much later, in March-April. Consequently, intermedius looks much tidier and neat in June, where graellsii has a more bleached and worn plumage. There is a tendency to a west-northeast cline regarding extent of the post-juvenile moult. Many of the 2CY April graellsii (ringed birds) on this website show the standard Herring Gull post-juvenile moult: replaced scapulars, but retained juvenile wing-coverts, juvenile tertials and flight feathers. Some graellsii do look more advanced, like the last 2CY graellsii bird from April 27 in Dordrecht, but still most juvenile in its plumage. The group of ringed intermedius from April also includes some "standard Herring Gull moult strategies" birds, but many birds show more advanced moult. Midway this spectrum are birds with upper tertials replaced, and most of the (visible) inner wing-coverts replaced for 2nd gen, as illustrated by the intermedius 2CY bird from May 09 Simrishamn. The far end of the spectrum contains birds illustrated in the table below: all scapulars replaced, most wing-coverts replaced, all rectrices replaced and even a variable number of secondaries moulted to 2nd gen. From the data on ringed birds, it appears there is a large variation in moult extent in intermedius. This large variation is shared by the eastern cousin 'heuglini'. Visa Rauste photographed a large group of 2CY Lesser Black-backed Gull heuglini, in June in N Russia. The overall appearance and moult strategy in heuglini is remarkable similar to that of intermedius. Except for one (key) difference: quite commonly heuglini include some to many primaries in the post-juvenile moult on the wintering grounds (moult prior to migration). The table below shows a selection of the most advanced 2CY spring intermedius type of birds recorded in western Europe, together with 2CY heuglini birds from the group photographed by Visa. All birds observed in June. |
. LBBG from Iceland: 2cy graellsii |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii ISR 340853 2CY, April 17 2015, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
. LBBG from the U.K.: 2cy graellsii |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 069:F 2CY, March - May 2017, Leixões Harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R2PJ 2CY, April 09 2006, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii T9RB 2CY, April 27 2008, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1PF April 02 2006, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii NA.NH 2CY, April 07 - 17 2015, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii NDN.U 2CY-3CY, March 2015 - March 2016, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii NL.NB 2CY, January - April 2015, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii CCV 2CY, March, April, July 2008, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 0CK0 2CY, April - August 2015, Leixões Harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 0FF6 2CY, April - September 2016, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 0CS3 2CY-3CY, April 215 & March 2016, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1CP1 2CY, April 01 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1CP5 2CY, January - June 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1CS9 2CY-4CY, March 2015 - June 2017, Matosinhos, Coimbra, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 1FC9 2CY, April 23 2016, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 2CS0 2CY, April 17 2015, Leixões Harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 3FK2 2CY, April 10 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 4CN0 2CY-4CY, March 2015 - August 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 4CP9 2CY, April 02 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 5CS5 1CY-3CY, December 2014 - July 2016, Praia de Mira, Coimbra, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 8CN1 2CY, April 01 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 8FC7 2CY, April 22 2016, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 8FF9 2CY, April 08 2016, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 8FJ4 2CY, January - June 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 9FF3 2CY-3CY, January 2016 - April 2017, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 0R0 2CY, April 16 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii F+B 2CY, April 12 2016, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii x Herring Gull argenteus F2 hybrid A+G 2CY-3CY, March 2015 & April 08 2016, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii G+Y 2CY, April 02-04 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii C:F 2CY, April 06 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii G+D 2CY, March, April, May 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 8E6:C 1CY-2CY, October 2016 & April 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii F:046 1CY-4CY, December 2014 - January 2017, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
. LBBG from France: 2cy graellsii . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 2:ALA 2CY, March - April 2015, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 3:CWT 2CY, March - June 2017, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 3:DEA 2CY, March - June 2017, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 3:DNR 1CY-2CY, September - June 2017, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 107K 2CY, April 19 2008, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 040N 2CY, April 02 2006, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Also seen as 2cy Dec. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 410K 2CY, April 22 2010, Pantín, Spain. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 522K 2CY, April 20 2010, Pantín, Spain. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 916N 2CY, April 09 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R:V3P 2CY, April 08 - 10 2015, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R:X5K 2CY, April - July 2015, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
. LBBG from Belgium: 2cy graellsii "Dutch intergrade" . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii DSAY 2CY, April 01 2007, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Also as 1cy Nov. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii GKAT 2CY, April 06 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HNAM 2CY, April 12 2009, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R.CAH 2CY, April 17 2015, Leixões Harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii RLA.S 2CY, April - July 2016, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii RGA.S 2CY, April 08 2015, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii ZPA.N 1CY-2CY, November 2016 & March-June 2017, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii BLB L911942 2CY, April 24 2010, Espasante, Ortigueira, A Coruña, Spain . Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. | ||
. LBBG from the Netherlands: 2cy graellsii "Dutch intergrade" . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii J3 2CY, February -June & October 2016, Douro River Estuary, Porto, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R3 2CY, April 23 2016, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii R9 2CY, April 22 2016, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii S.D 2CY, April 08 2015, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii JG 2CY, April 2008 - March 2009, Madrid, Spain. Picture: González & Martin. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii T5 2CY, April 13 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii VC 2CY, April 13 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 24 2CY, April 04 2009, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 2J 2CY, April 18 2009, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii XP 2CY, March & April 2008, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: González & Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii Z7 2CY, April 02 2006, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HZ 2CY, April 16 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii J3 2CY, April 16 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. Also as 4cy in France. | ||
. LBBG from the N Germany: 2cy transition graellsii - intermedius . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H017 2CY, April 06 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H082 2CY, April 30 2008, Playa de Pantín, Spain. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. Also as 3cy. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H458 2CY, April 06 2008 Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H469 2CY, April 29 2008, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Picture: Ruud Altenburg. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H513 2CY, April 27 2008, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H543 2CY, April 13 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H713 2CY, April 16 2009, Quarteira, Portugal. Picture: Michael Davis. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H725 2CY, April 10 2009, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Miguel Juan. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii HE69 2CY, April 07 2015, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H275 2CY, April 08 2009, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H709 2CY, April 09 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii H891 2CY, April 22 2010, Pantín, Spain. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. | ||
. LBBG from Denmark: 2cy intermedius . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V049 2CY, April 10 - May 10 2009, Madrid, Spain. Pictures: Delfín González & Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V347 2CY, March 15 & April 10 2009, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius VA7Y 2CY, April 02 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V.EH8 2CY, April 23 2016, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V.PU1 2CY, March - April 2015, Leixões port, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V.X2V 2CY, March - April 2015, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius V.X5T 2CY, April 10 2015, Leixões harbour, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
. LBBG from S. Norway: 2cy intermedius . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J221N 2CY, January-April & November 2016, Matosinhos Beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J498L 2CY, March - April 2015, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J608L 2CY, April 23 2016, Matosinhos beach, Matosinhos, Portugal. Picture: José Marques. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J611L 2CY, April 02 2016, Comenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain (40°15'41"N 003°38'00"W). Picture: Delfín Gonzalez. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J9CE 2CY, April 02 2008, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J1C1 2CY, April 03 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius JZK7 2CY, April 09 2010, Pinto, Spain. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J2YZ 2CY, April 12 2008, Caleta de Vélez, Málaga, Spain. Picture: Miguel Domínguez Santaella. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J0K9 2CY, April 12 2008, Alcazar de San Juan landfill, Ciudad Real, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius JYY4 2CY, April 16 2010, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius J7PV 2CY, April 20 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Javier Marchamalo. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius JE24 2CY, April 01 2007, Pinto, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius JZE2 2CY, April 30 2010, Oostende, Belgium. Picture: Roland François. | ||
. LBBG 2cy unringed . |
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 02 2015, Leiden, the Netherlands. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 30 2014, Katwijk, the Netherlands. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 27 2006, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 27 2006, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 27 2006, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. | ||
Lesser Black-backed Gull 2CY, April 27 2006, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. |