Thayer's Gull (thayeri)

(last update: January 22, 2013)

Amar Ayyash (USA)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Thayer's Gull 1st cycle (2CY), mid-January 2014, central California, US. Picture: Amar Ayyash.

Visit: Amar's blog for many more images!

Present flock of about >600 birds (170 1st cycles, 100 2nd cycles, 40 3rd cycles, 350 adults).

Blackish bill, dark iris.
First gen flight feathers; primaries with neat fringes confined to the tip of each feather (P6 mis-folded).
Tertials have solidly brown centres, dense barring on upper and undertail coverts, tail most dark with some proximal vermiculation on outer rectrices.
Typically scapulars are three-tones: pale brown centre, dark sub-terminal line and pale fringe.

Several scapulars replaced, with anchor pattern and fresh feathers show greyish base