Thayer's Gull (thayeri)

(last update: January 22, 2013)

Amar Ayyash (USA)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 1st cycle - adult, February 2008 - March 2013, Lago Fish farm - San Cibrao Harbour, Lugo, N Spain.

In Spain a Thayer's Gull has been present in several subsequent late winters. This individual is a regular visitor (called "Cipriana" by local birders). It must have hatched in summer 2007 and it was first observed as 1st cycle in February 2008 by french birder Thomas Galewski. It then was relocated in 2010, 2011 and 2013 (arriving in March and spending between 10-40 days with its Spanish friends). This bird moves between Lago Fish farm and San Cibrao Harbour, Lugo, N Spain.

Much of this info has been collected by Antonio Gutierrez, please follow his excellent BLOG.

Observations of "Cipriana":

Date Observer Place /notes
Feb. 2008 Thomas Galewski (FRA)  Lago Fish farm, Xove
07/12/2009. Toño Salazar  Lago Fish farm, Xove
2010 19 días  
20-3-2010 David Calleja & Ricardo Rodríguez  Lago Fish farm, Xove
24-3-2010 Ricardo San Cibrao
27-3-2010 Ricardo, David, Gabriel & Pablo Gutier.  Lago Fish farm, Xove
29-3-2010 Gabi Martín  Lago Fish farm, Xove
1-4-2010 Clemente & Quique carballal San Cibrao
2-4-2010 Oscar Llama  Lago Fish farm, Xove
8-4-2010 Pablo Fernández  Lago Fish farm, Xove
2011 10 días  
13.3.2011  David Calleja et al.  San Cibrao
14.3.2011 Luis José Salaverri San Cibrao
15.3.2011 José Miguel Alonso pumar San Cibrao
20.3.2011 Antonio Gutierrez San Cibrao
21.3.2011 Ferando Pereiras San Cibrao
22.3.2011 Tito Salvadores & David Calleja San Cibrao
23.3.2011 Tito Salvadores  San Cibrao
2013 39 días  
10-3-2013 Ricardo Hevia & Antonio Martínez P. San Cibrao
11-3-2013 Jose Luis Salaverri, Pablo Gutiérrez, David Calleja, Antonio Martinez, Graciela, Manolo Carregal, Fernando Pereiras, Delfín González, Alexia del Río, Cosme Damián, Jose Ramón Bugallo . San Cibrao
12-3-2013 Rafa Armada, J. Menéndez & D. Montic.  
13-3-2013 Jesús Menéndez, Jose Ramón Bugallo & David Montichelli  Lago Fish farm, Xove
14-3-2013 Ricardo Hevia, Fernando Pereiras, Mario Alonso, David González & Javier Otal Moving between San Cibrao and the Fish farm
16-3-2013 21 visitors. Ricardo Hevia, Antonio Martinez, Alfonso Rodrigo, Cristian Osorio, Miguel Rouco, Oscar Llama, Jerónimo Corral, Daniel López, Juan Sagradía, Pedro J., Nacho Castelao, Juan Sagardía, Antonio Ceballos & wife, Pablo Pita & Barbara, Toño Salazar, FRANCE: Pierre-André Crochet, Hugo Touzé, Karsten Schmale & 2 belgians Karsten Schmale, P.A. Crochet, Hugo Touzé (FRA)
17-3-2013 David Calleja, Antonio Gutiérrez, Antonio Sandoval, Gorka & yesterday belgians  Lago Fish farm, Xove
18-3-2013 Javier Otal, Carlos Martín, Xurxo Piñeiro & José Portillo San Cibrao
22-3-2013 Ricardo Hevia San Cibrao
23-3-2013 Mariño, Jose Luis Salaverri, Graciela, Manolo Carregal, BELGIUM: Vicent Legrand, Kris d Rourk, Fred Vanhove and other  Lago Fish farm, Xove
24-3-2013 David Calleja & Jorge Vilella  Lago Fish farm, Xove
25-3-2013 Sergio Paris San Cibrao
29-3-2013 David Calleja, Toño Salazar & José Ardáiz  Lago Fish farm, Xove
7-4-2013 Ricardo Hevia & Antonio  Pernas San Cibrao
17-4-2013 David Calleja San Cibrao

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 3rd cycle (3CY), December 07 2009, Lago fish farm, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: Toño Salazar.

Typical bird except for the very pale iris in 2nd cycle plumage.

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 3rd cycle (4CY), March 20 2010, Lago fish farm, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: David Calleja Marcos & Ricardo Rodríguez.

Second cycle bird with already very pale iris. In all other respects typical thayeri.

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 3rd cycle (4CY), March 29 2010, Lago fish farm, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín.

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 4th cycle (5CY), March 13 2011, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: David Calleja Marcos.

Still with black in the tail and vestiges of dark markings in primary coverts. Note very small primary tips and much black on bill.

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 6th cycle (7CY), March 10-22 2013, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: Antonio Martínez Pernas.

Note distribution of winter streaking on head and neck, speckling in iris, purple orbital ring, saturated pink legs, and primary pattern.

below: Thayer's Gull "Cipriana" 7CY, March 17 2013, Lugo, N Spain. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez.