Thayer's Gull (thayeri)

(last update: January 22, 2013)

Amar Ayyash (USA)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Table 3. Known or probable identities of 'Iceland gulls' and 'herring gull' from nine Royal Navy and one Hudson's Bay Co. explorations of Arctic Canada, 1818-59.

Belongs to the paper:
Hybridization and changes in the distribution of Iceland gulls (Larus glaucoides/kumlieni/thayeri),
by D. N. Weir, A.C. Kitchener and R. Y. McGowan,
IN: J. Zool., Lond.(2000) 252, 517-530.

Voyage Locality Date Taxa (a) n Sex Age (b) Museum Comments (c) References (d)
Ross First, 1818 Davis Strait July 1818 G 1 . A NMGM From series used to distinguish G from H 14, 16, 20
Parry First, 1819-20 Davis Strait, Baffin Bay, Melville I. . G + S > 1 . . . . 11, 15
. Melville I. 6 June 1820 ?G 1 . . . . 5
Parry Second, 1821-24 Duke of York Bay, Southampton I. August 1821 S 1 . J (NMS) . 4, 6
. Igloolik I. Sept 1821 S 1 F A (NMS) . 7
. NE Melville Peninsula June-Sept 1822 S 6 . A NMS - 4 . 6, 11, 19, contra 2, 8
Parry Third, 1823-25 Prince Regent Inlet . ? S > 1 . . . . 4, 12
Ross Second, 1829-32 Prince Regent Inlet . G > 1 . . . Mixed colony with H above G 13, 16, 17
Back, 1836 route to Repulse Bay . S 1 . A (NHM) . 18
Rae, 1855 Repulse Bay . S 1 . A (NHM) . 18
McClure, 1850-54 Devon I. 1852 T 2 . A, J . Originally identified as S, but T nests there now 9
Collinson, 1853 NW Prince Albert Land 1853 T 1 M A NHM . 3, 18
. SE Cambridge Bay 1853 G/T 3 . E NHM . 1, 3, 10
M'Clintock, 1857-59 Bellot Strait 1859 G 2 . A NMI Re-feathering brood patches 21
. Bellot Strait 1859 T 1 . J NMI . 4, 21
. Bellot Strait 1859 K 1 . J NMI Identification uncertain 21

(a) = Taxa: G, glaucoides; S,smithsonianus; T, thayeri; K, kumlieni; H,L. hyperboreus.
(b) = Age: A, adult; J, juvenile; E, egg.
(c) = Specimens deposited in museums; acronym as Table 2; specimen lost if acronym in parentheses.
(d) = References: (1) Bent, 1921; (2) Dwight, 1925; (3) Feilden, 1879a; (4) Godfrey, 1986; (5) Griffiths, 1821; (6) MacGillivray, 1824; (7) MacGillivray, 1852; (8) MacPherson, 1961; (9)
M'Cormick, 1854; (10) Oates, 1901; (11) Richardson, 1931; (12) Ross, 1826; (13) Ross, 1835; (14) Sabine, 1819; (15) E. Sabine, 1824; (16) Solomonsen, 1950; (17) Solomonsen, 1967;
(18) Salvin, 1896; (19) Stenhouse, 1930; (20) Taverner, 1933; (21) Walker, 1860a.