Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) ES17994 2CY, January 21 & February 01 2015, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture Jean-Michel Sauvage.Metal RUM Moskwa ES17994. Ringed as pullus on June 22 2014 at isl. Kibrinskaya Vostochnaya, Kandalakshskiy Nature Reserve, Murmansk O., Russia (66.56 N 32.32 E). SPECIES Larus marinus AGE pull RINGING DATE 22.06.2014 DISTANCE 2489 km DIRECTION 224 degrees ELAPSED TIME 213 days History: For another bird from this area: ES008270 & KT13. Birds from this far north White Sea district are rare in France, but occasionally ringed birds are seen from Hornøya, Vardø, Finnmark, Norway as well. These Finnmark birds travel a good 2663 km to arrive in the Pas-de-Calais region. It seems reasonable to assume the birds follow the entire Norwegian coast sothwards into the North Sea bassin. Small bird, probably female. US: 1-25%, LS: 0%, TOT SCAPS: 1-25%. Coverts and tertials juvenile. below: Южная губа, куйпога (gorod Kandalaksha, Murmanskaya oblast', Rusland). Picture: Juri Goblin. This is the breeding location for KT13, ringed at island Farvaternaya. |