Lesser Black-backed Gull- Kleine Mantelmeeuw (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: 28-12-2010)


lbbg 1cy May
lbbg 1cy June
lbbg 1cy July
lbbg 1cy August
lbbg 1cy September
lbbg 1cy October
lbbg 1cy Nov - Dec

lbbg 2cy Jan-April
lbbg 2cy August
lbbg 2cy September
lbbg 2cy October
lbbg 2cy Nov - Dec

lbbg 3cy Jan-April
lbbg 3cy May
lbbg 3cy June
lbbg 3cy July
lbbg 3cy August
lbbg 3cy September
lbbg 3cy October
lbbg 3cy Nov - Dec

lbbg sub-ad Jan-April
lbbg sub-ad May
lbbg sub-ad June
lbbg sub-ad July
lbbg sub-ad Aug
lbbg sub-ad Sept
lbbg sub-ad Oct
lbbg sub-ad Nov - Dec

lbbg ad Jan-April
lbbg adult May
lbbg adult June
lbbg adult July
lbbg ad August
lbbg ad September
lbbg ad October
lbbg ad Nov - Dec

adult: January - April

LBBG in the Netherlands: January

A small proportion of the NW European LBBG spend winter along the coast of the Netherlands. In the south, along the coast at Westkapelle (see map), small groups can be found well into January. 

ad LBBG intermedius in Januari-April.ad LBBG intermedius in Januari-April.left: intermedius, January 05 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. right: intermedius, January 05 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.
ad LBBG in Januari-April. (54758 bytes)left: intermedius, February 07 2003, Boulogne/Mer, France (50.42 N - 01.34 E).

The complete moult has been finished by January, as the images in the first box show. Both individuals in picture 01 & 02 are believed to be adults, originating from intermedius colonies. Quite a proportion of the present LBBG at Westkapelle show this structural characteristics: neckless, short fine bill, short tibia and therefore appear short-legged and long-winged -as in the second picture (P6 reaching further than the tail-tip). Often, intermedius may be characterized as a compact birds. In both pictures, the yellow legs and bill combined with a large mirror on P10 suggest full adultness.
In the upper-parts, there is no sign of sub-adult brown feathers. A few coverts have a brownish wash, but these are probably older adult coverts. They can be found in the median covert row, the upper tertials and inner greater coverts, normally the tracts which have been replaced first, now already showing slight wear and tear. Furthermore, the inner wing-coverts and upper tertials are the most exposed feathers in the wing.
ad LBBG in Januari-April.LBBG, Vuurtorenvlakte, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands, March 30 2002. An adult bird found dead, hit by a car.

The wing-tip pattern in both adults is totally different: just small white tips and a indistinct white mirror on P10 in the first picture. The second bird has an extensive white tips, on P10 merging with the white mirror and a large mirror on P9. The tip and mirror on P10 are hardly separated, just a small black sub-terminal band divides the two. Birds present in the colony, and probably willing to mate, may still show an all-dark P10, lacking a mirror. The other extreme is a large mirror on P10, merged with a tip and a considerable mirror on P9, covering both the inner and outer-web. In general, large mirrors on P9 and P10 are associated with adult males.

LBBG returning to the colonies in the Netherlands

LBBG colony at Maasvlakte - Rotterdam (the Netherlands). End of March; many adult LBBG of the Maasvlakte (see map) already return to the breeding grounds and try to find nesting locations in the colonies. Successful adults are very faithful to nesting locations and partners and can be found breeding on exactly the same spot (inch-perfect!) year after year. Adult males, returning early in the colony normally wait for the same partner, establishing dominance over a last-year's successful territory. If the female arrives later in the season, other female try to mate with such dominant males, but once his partner arrives, the bond will soon be established and those (often young) females are kicked out the territory. 
By the end of March, 1.000s of LBBG (probably mostly originating from intermedius populations in Scandinavia) migrate east-northeast along the coast-line of the Netherlands and make short stop-overs at the beach. Well over 90% of the birds are adults and trains of birds glide motionless over the beaches of the Wadden Isles into the Danish Wadden Sea.

ad LBBG in Januari-April.LBBG, April 16 2001, Nachtegalenkeet Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. An image showing the difference in grey tones between two adult LBBG, breeding in the Netherlands.

At the Maasvlakte, most major position are taken again in the colony by another type of LBBG: Dutch intergrades. The are slightly darker than typical graellsii from Britain, but not as dark as the average intermedius from Scandinavia. They carry the genetic heritage of both taxa. The exchange of gene pools hasn't stopped yet. Still, in the colonies at Maasvlakte we see foreign ringed birds, breeding together with local Dutch birds. Not surprising, these foreign birds often seem to be females.
In the mean time birds born in colonies at Maasvlakte spread to other colonies abroad as well. The very prosperous colony at the Belgium port of Zeebrugge was initiated by both British and Dutch LBBG, as several colour-ringed birds proved. 

Primary Moult Scores in adult LBBG:

Year 2003 we did some preliminary research on primary moult scores in adult LBBG. In total, we scored about 1400 birds from early April to mid October. This research will be used to do some more fundamental research in tear 2003-2004. First results for April are quite simple: we scored 49 birds on April 05 and we scored 45 birds on April 19. All these birds had P1 still present, hence PMS = 0. Nevertheless we did see several adult LBBG in the colony, which had P1 shed by April 19. Some notes: the scorse on April 05 2003 were done at Naaktstrand, on preening, bathing and arriving birds, through 20x-60x telescopes. Active moult would be noticed, but to detect arrested moult in such circumstances is pretty difficult. Next year, we try to start our surveys with catching birds and examine the exact primary stage in the inner primaries by taking photographs. 

Tables & Graph

starting date:   26 Feb   02 Apr 16 Apr 23 Apr 30 Apr   07 May
week no: 9 14 16 17 18 19
REM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 5 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
REM 8 0 0 0 0 15 11
REM 9 0 0 0 0 40 34
REM 10 2 49 45 1 466 216
n = 2 49 45 1 521 261
average P = 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 9.9 9.8
95% CID = 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.04 0.06
inverse = 12.71 2.01 2.02 - 1.96 1.97
Variantie (s2) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.17 0.25
SD (s) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.42 0.50
SE (sx) = 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.02 0.03
% class:            
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 3 4
9 0 0 0 0 8 13
10 100 100 100 100 89 83
  % control: 100 100 100 100 100 100

Table above, data for the Netherlands (2000-2010), results for April (aggregated week): number of remaining old primaries in adults.
REM10 = 10 primaries still old (hence, complete moult not started yet). First signs of complete moult commencement in WEEK 18 (starting 30 April).

Above: Scatter Plot for PMS in adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Number of remaining old primaries throughout the year (arrested moult excluded). Sample size is 6.171 birds.

Above: Scatter Plot for PMS in adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Number of remaining old primaries for April (arrested moult excluded). Sample size for this graph is 879 ringed birds.

starting date:

30 Apr

07 May

week no:







































n =



average NEW P =



95% CID =



inverse  =



Variantie (s2) =



SD (s) =



SE (sx) =






% class







































% control:



Table above, data for the Netherlands (2000-2010), results for April (aggregated week): number of new, fully grown primaries in adults.
NEW0 = no new primaries visible (arrested moult excluded in this analysis). So either P1 still old, or P1 dropped, but the very tip still not visible.
NEW1 = P1 longest new primary. Range between "at least the tip of P1 is visible" until "tip of P2 still shorter than P1".
NEW2 = P2 longest new primary. NEW3 = etc.

Above: Scatter Plot for PMS in adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Longest new primary is classified "fully grown". Sample size is 2.969 birds. Birds scored on NEW primaries (arrested moult excluded).

The last scoring days were in November, with a larger sample (133 adults) on 04 November 2010. From that date we have the last birds with retaining old primaries (13 birds with 1, 2 or even 3 old primaries; 120 birds with no old primaries left). From other days in November, only 10 birds were scored (all ringed adults). They all had no old primaries left.

The first tine a new primary (P1) was visible, was on 08 May 2006. Prior to this date, birds were scored missing inner primaries, but the very tip was still not visible (and therefore not scored). As soon as the tip of P1 was visible, this was automatically scored "fully grown" For the other primaries to be scored fully grown, they had to exceed the previous primary in length (so P2 fully grown, only from when it is longer than P1).

Peter Stewart presents onset of primary moult by scores for caught adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls in the Severn Estuary, U.K., repeated in the table below. To read his results, see this PDF file.  

Table: the number of old remaining primaries present. Compare PMS of adult graellsii at half monthly intervals. Data from the Severn Estuary Gull Group by Peter Stewart: The primary moult of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (special publication No 1).



Severn Estuary U.K.


PMS range


Average PMS

PMS range


Average PMS

1-15 apr







16-30 apr







1-15 may







16-31 may







1-15 jun







16-30 jun
7-10 253 9,7 6-10 65 8,2
1-15 jul
6-10 605 9,2 5-10 176 7,4


Onset of primary moult can best be illustrated by a sinusoid for the first few weeks and last weeks, but there appears to be linear dependency over much of the central moult period.

The earliest date for birds with missing primaries is 30 April 2006, which is not the earliest day in our complete sample. We scored 98 Lesser Black-backed Gulls prior to that date, some already in February. As can be expected, none of these was in primary moult, and this group was excluded in our further analysis as it will only result in a misfit for the onset of moult, using linear regression statistics.


Complete sample: Linear regression (n = 6171, R2= 0.820, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = -0,381* WEEK + 17,967

Ringed adults: Linear regression (n = 2069, R2= 0.800, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = -0,325* WEEK + 16,270

Unringed adult: Linear regression (n = 4102, R2= 0.779, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = -0,513* WEEK + 23,031


Complete sample: Linear regression (n = 2969, R2= 0.930, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = 0,302* WEEK - 5,933

Ringed adults: Linear regression (n = 1209, R2= 0.888, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = 0,252* WEEK - 4,747

Unringed adult: Linear regression (n = 1760, R2= 0.833, sign: P<0,000)
PMS = 0,442* WEEK - 11,906

April 05 2003: Primary moult scores (PMS) in ringed adult LBBG, Naaktstrand,  Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (resting group outside colony).
PMS 0  n: 49, location Naaktstrand
green rings: E762, E800, E887, E935, EAH0, ECJ1, EP63, EP70, ER51, ES08, EU74, EU85, EV54, EX01, KR9, KX2, NC0, PP5, RH1, RM1, RP7, TN9.
left + right rings: H black + 4 white, J green + 7 black, Y green + 1 black.
orange rings: E017, E159, E264, E448, E623, E678, E702, E818, E919, EAY0, EJ06, EJ23, EJ98, EM7, EN84, EP??, ES08, EV54, EV60, JX5, KK6, LC1
orange rings with white code: NU8
white rings: M69

April 19 2003: Primary moult scores (PMS) in ringed adult LBBG, Naaktstrand,  Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. Location: Maasvlakte & Dintelhaven.
PMS not noted, n: 12 PMS 0, n: 45
green rings: E02?, EA01, EAM4, EE03, EX04, PR9, UK2.
orange rings: EAS8, EM4?.
white rings: RU8, SL2, ? E.
green rings: AX5, E108, EA2, EAC2, EH6, EH94, EP60, ER55, ES98, ET37, ET79, EV39, EY03, EY16, JC8, JH5, JM0, JN9, JY2, LC9, LL6, PP0, RR0, UK0, UY4.
orange rings: E274, E818, EC40, EE53, EJ06, EJ98, EL10, EP94, ET57, EU69, EY68, KK6, LC1, RU9, UC6.
orange rings with white code: RJ5
red rings: ALH.
metal rings: GG93433, 5.3xx.xxx, NLA old.

LBBG in the Netherlands: colour ring projects

For over 10 years we have colour ring projects in the Netherlands. By far the largest project involves LBBG breeding in two colonies near the port of Rotterdam: one large colony at Maasvlakte and the second at Dintelhaven (eastern Maasvlakte). Although the other colony is well visible from either side, only separated by water, birds appear to be very faithful and try to nest in the colony where they were raised. Only limited number of ringed birds can be found in the 'wrong' colony.

First LBBG were ringed with white rings, first with letter digit digit, later with letter letter digit. At the colony 'Maasvlakte', orange rings were used. First years (1991-1992) codes were letter digit digit, later letter letter digit. From then on, all ring codes started with E (Europoort Rotterdam), followed by three letters or digits. 
At the colony of 'Dintelhaven' green rings were used, the same repertoire. In the right column of this page you can find some examples of ringed adult LBBG from both locations.

At the port of IJmuiden, near Amsterdam, Fred Cottaar started another LBBG colour ring project on roof top breeding birds. In this project, red and white rings were used with three different codes: a single letter or single digit or bars.
Such codes can also be found on other colours, originating from the isle of Texel, the Netherlands.
Recently, Fred Cottaar caught adult LBBG on the nest and they received red rings, starting with E and followed by three digits.

Another recently started colour-ring project in the Netherlands can be found in the industrial area of Moerdijk (inland breeding LBBG). This project was started by Roland-Jan Buijs and he used mint green rings with two black letters. Because this population breeds in tall grass, Roland-Jan used tibia rings.

Subsequently, an interesting English project was started by David Sowter in 1997. 


Use of colour rings to study inter-colony movement and feeding of Lesser Black Backed Gulls at three sites in NW England.

by: David Sowter


Despite regular culling and disturbance the Lesser Black Backed Gull colony at Tarnbrook Fell has continued to thrive.  This study is intended to determine the extent to which movement of Lesser Black Backed Gulls between the three sites, which are inter-visible on a good day, may play a part in the breeding success of the Tarnbrook colony.  It is also hoped to establish whether there are common feeding, roosting and migration sites and what part they play in the movement of gulls between colonies for breeding.


In the pilot year, 1997, 200 juveniles were ringed at each of the three sites using green darvic with a single white letter code: R, T, and W.  For each of the five years 1998- 2001, 2500 birds will be ringed at each of the three sites with black darvic rings with yellow site letter plus a three letter/number combination  (left leg) so individual birds can be identified in the field by year and site.  Individual BTO metal rings (right leg) will also identify birds.

To develop and analyze data based on personal observation and records achieved through co-operation with local bird clubs and through the BTO network and the large gull coordinator, Peter Rock.


Ribble Estuary Nature Reserve: ( 53 42’ N : 2 55’ W - SD 3924) in co-operation with Mike Gee/Dick Lambert, English Nature Wardens and SW Lancs Ringing Group.  Dick and the SW Lancs Ringing Group have carried out some ringing for most years since the mid-1980’s.  The site is within salt marsh near the mouth of the River Ribble and is subject to periodic flooding by high tides, which decimates the breeding success in some years.

Tarnbrook Fell, Forest of Bowland: (54.01N  2.35W - SD 6258) with permission and sponsorship from Grosvenor Estates, Abbeystead and Mr R Banks the Abbeystead Estate manager;  Mr R Challenor for Mallowdale estates and NW Water for Brennand estates.  Dr John Coulson and associates have been undertaking studies and control measures at this site since at least the mid-1980’s.   The colony, which is within heather, grass and peat-hag moorland at a height of 450-530 metres, has continued to maintain high numbers or expand despite culling and managed disturbance over a number of years.

South Walney Nature Reserve: (54.03N 3.12W - SD 2162) in co-operation with Rob Shaw and Nick Littlewood, the warden of the reserve.  There has been ringing of gulls on this dune site at the south end of Walney Island since at least the early 1960’s.

Colour Ring combinations:  
R is Ribble;  
T is Tarnbrook Fell ; 
W is Walney Island.

1997: GREEN showing WHITE single letter for site.
1998 - 2002: BLACK showing YELLOW 4 letter/number combinations.

Please send details of sightings with date, location, details of gulls and activity to:

David Sowter: 5 The Grove Penwortham Preston PR1 0UU. 01772 749220. davidsowter@freenet.co.uk

All responses will be acknowledged.

Especially these kind of project, with many LBBG colour ringed, may give full insight in variation of LBBG plumages from different locations. See also the Distribution Section.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (73754 bytes)LBBG C4 Dordrecht, the Netherlands, March 09 2009.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (73754 bytes)LBBG AH1 11cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands, April 29 2002 (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG AM0 10cy, April 16 2001 & April 29 2002, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed June 28 1992 as pullus at the nest.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (76807 bytes)LBBG CH9 11cy, March 18 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult male ringed, left orange CH9, ringed as a pullus in July 1992. 

ad YLG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (93737 bytes)Yellow-legged Gull CU9 13+cy (L. michahellis), Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands, April 29 2002 (51.59N,04.02E). 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (77664 bytes)LBBG EM7 10cy, March 18 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult male ringed, left orange EM7.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG JP3 9cy, April 16 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). JP3 was born July 04 1993 and probably a male.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (83101 bytes)LBBG JX5 10cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange JX5. The orange colour turned grey. Ringed July 04 1993.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74818 bytes)LBBG KR5 11cy, April 06 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). The orange colour turned grey. Ringed July 07 1993.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG UA8 7cy, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 05 & 14 1999. Photo by Pim Wolf.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (75540 bytes)LBBG UP8 10cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (83139 bytes)LBBG E017 8cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange E017 in July 1995 at Maasvlakte.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74277 bytes)LBBG E053 9cy, April 06 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (81763 bytes)LBBG E264, April 22 2002 & April 05 2003, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (76352 bytes)LBBG E303 9cy, April 06 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult female ringed, left orange E303, ringed on 08 July 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (56285 bytes)LBBG E342 8cy, March 18 2002, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult male ringed, left orange E342, July 8 1995. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG E400 5cy, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 14 1999. Photo by Pim Wolf. Ringed at Maasvlakte in July 1995.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (89902 bytes)LBBG E403 10cy, April 13 2004, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed as pullus at Maasvlakte on July 08 1995.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG E600 8cy, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), March 30 2002. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (64495 bytes)LBBG E603 8cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange E603. Ringed in 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (72295 bytes)LBBG E623 9cy, April 05 2003, Lyondell, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Probably an adult female ringed, left orange E623, ringed on 09 July 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (75431 bytes)LBBG E702 9cy, April 05 2003, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed left orange E702, ringed on 09 July 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG E832 5cy , Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 14 1999. Photo by Pim Wolf. Ringed in 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (77956 bytes)LBBG E919 9cy , Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 14 1999. Ringed on July 10 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (67981 bytes)LBBG E920 8cy, March 18 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (89436 bytes)LBBG EA11 7cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed left orange EA11 in 1996 as a pullus.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (87450 bytes)LBBG EA44 7cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange EA44, the same date as EA11.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (55458 bytes)LBBG EA90 9cy, April 13 2004, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E).

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG EC40 7cy, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), March 30 2002. An adult bird ringed left orange EC40. This is probably a male, as the dominant expression suggests. 

LBBG EH79, April 16 2001 & April 06 2003, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed July 10 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (65137 bytes)LBBG EK85April 06 2003, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed July 10 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74117 bytes)LBBG EL10 7cy,  April 19 2003, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed July 03 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (85748 bytes)LBBG EL83 7cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (49493 bytes)LBBG EM40 7cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left orange EM40, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 10 1996, now in 7cy. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG EM79 6cy, April 16 2001, ECT centrale Maasvlakte (51.59N,04.02E), the Netherlands. Ringed July 10 1996. This is probably a female.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (89329 bytes)LBBG EN24 7cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (65049 bytes)LBBG EN84, March 18 2002 & April 05 2003, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange EN 84. Ringed July 13 1996.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (79929 bytes)LBBG EP68 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (64938 bytes)LBBG EP97 6cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left orange EP97, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 2 1997, now in 6cy. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74653 bytes)LBBG ET48 9cy, April 26 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed 08 July 1996.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (81096 bytes)LBBG ET57 7cy, April 22 2002, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (86849 bytes)LBBG EU73 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange EU73. This bird was ringed July 2 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (87902 bytes)LBBG EV24 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (86985 bytes)LBBG EV83 6cy, April 22 2002, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74578 bytes)LBBG EX14 8cy, April 13 2004, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed 03 July 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (62199 bytes)LBBG EY68 7cy, April 06 2003, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (67676 bytes)LBBG EAL1 8cy, April 26 2004, EMO Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed 04 July 1997. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (70384 bytes)LBBG EAY0 15cy, March 18 & April 22 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). The first of birds An adult ringed, left orange EAY0, originating from Britain, ringed in 1988. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (57194 bytes)LBBG ECC2 6cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left orange ECC2, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 3 1997, now in 6cy.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (82571 bytes)LBBG ECL4 8cy, April 13 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed as pullus, July 03 1997.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG MU6 adult, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), March 30 2002. An adult bird ringed left leg orange MU6.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (76280 bytes)LBBG NP8 8cy, April 29 2004, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed 11 July 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (79709 bytes)LBBG NT0 6cy, March 18 2002, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult female ringed, left orange NT0 in white letters. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (91295 bytes)LBBG NU6 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange with a white code NU6. Ringed the same date as NT0.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (86739 bytes)LBBG NX5 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange with a white code NX5. Ringed as pullus, July 12 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (92541 bytes)LBBG PA4 6cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left orange with white code PA4, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 12 1997, now in 6cy. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (64862 bytes)LBBG PA8 8cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 13 2004. Ringed as pullus, July 12 1997. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (82249 bytes)LBBG RC9 6cy, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange with a white code RC9. Ringed July 11 1997.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (74005 bytes)LBBG RJ5 7cy, April 19 2003, Nachtegalenkeet - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left orange with a white code RJ5. Ringed July 11 1997.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (61583 bytes)LBBG CC3 10cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left green CC3, ringed as pullus at the nest, June 1993. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (75877 bytes)LBBG EH6 11cy, April 19 2003, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left green EH6. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (90050 bytes)LBBG JH5 10cy, April 22 & 29 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left green JH5. This bird was ringed June 28 1993.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (60208 bytes)LBBG JL7 10cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. An adult bird ringed left green JL7, ringed as pullus at the nest, June 21 1993, now in 10cy. Note the mirror on p10, merging with the white tip.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG LL1, 2001 & 2002, ECT centrale Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed June 28th 1993. Probably a male.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (69998 bytes)LBBG NV4, 2002 & 2004, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (42288 bytes)LBBG NV7, April 13 2004, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (84892 bytes)LBBG PP4, April 22 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left green PP4.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (80911 bytes)LBBG TS1, April 22 & 29 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left green TS1.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (83802 bytes)LBBG E129 8cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG E398 8cy, March 30 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). This bird was ringed June 28 1995 close to the current breeding spot.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (80252 bytes)LBBG E451 8cy, April 13 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed June 15 1995.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (81189 bytes)LBBG E887 9cy , April 05 2003, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (72857 bytes)LBBG EE02 11cy , April 29 2004, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed 07 July 1994 at Maasvlakte.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (79757 bytes)LBBG ES98 7cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (80772 bytes)LBBG ET17 7cy, April 22 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed June 26 1996.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (61436 bytes)LBBG ET79 7cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus June 26 1996. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (86501 bytes)LBBG EV39 6cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus June 21 1997, now 6cy. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG EV41 6cy, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), March 30 2002. An adult bird ringed left leg green EV41. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (75129 bytes)LBBG EAH9 6cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus at the nest, June 24 1997.  

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (96776 bytes)LBBG EAK5 6cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus at the nest, June 24 1997, now 6cy. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (90043 bytes)LBBG EAS1 6cy, April 22 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Ringed June 24 1997.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (75130 bytes)LBBG ECC0 6cy, Dintelhaven - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. 

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (60421 bytes)LBBG M69 13cy, Lyondell - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), 05 April 2003. Left white M69, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 06 1991, now in 13cy.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (71032 bytes)LBBG M90 12cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands, April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus at the nest, July 06 1991. These codes were used from the first years the ring project started in 1990 and 1991. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (66603 bytes)LBBG R18, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002 & April 06 2003. Ringed white R18 and a vertical T, ringed as pullus at the nest, July 06 1991. A strong bird, indicating this is a male. Note the odd shape of the p10-mirror.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (70407 bytes)LBBG RY9 5cy, Missouriweg - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2002. Ringed as pullus early July 1998.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (83878 bytes)LBBG SH2 5cy, April 22 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left white SH2.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (84673 bytes)LBBG SP3, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed, left white SP3.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG V11 9cy, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 14 1999. Photo by Pim Wolf. This bird was ringed on July 08 1991.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (78491 bytes)LBBG V90 14cy, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), April 29 2004. This bird was ringed on July 08 1991.
LBBGxYLG? in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (84755 bytes)LBBGxYLG hybrid? L4 adult, April 13 2004, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (73831 bytes)LBBG 2-- adult, April 29 2002, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (91881 bytes)LBBG 7S adult, April 29 2004, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Parent in the 1cy LBBG post-juvenile moult project 2004. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. LBBG J7 adult, April 12 2001, Nachtegalenkeet Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). Probably an adult female, ringed J green 7 black. 
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (59338 bytes)LBBG --1 adult, April 13 2004, Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (84664 bytes)LBBG E022 6cy, April 29 2004, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed July 17 1999 at Maasvlakte.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (72437 bytes)LBBG E136 6cy, April 13 2004, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed as pullus, July 17 1999.
3129e302r.jpg (51733 bytes)LBBG E302 5cy, April 26 2004, Missouriweg, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed as pullus, July 04 2000.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (60928 bytes)LBBG E347 5cy, April 29 2004, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed July 08 2000 at Maasvlakte.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. (72074 bytes)LBBG ALH adult, April 19 2003, e-on, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). Ringed in the U.K.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (94477 bytes)LBBG NLA 5.248.763 adult, April 13 2004, EMO, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the Netherlands. (64361 bytes)LBBG NLA 5.248.808 adult, April 05 2003, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in Belgium.LBBG BLB L-4483? adult, April 16 2001, Missouriweg Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in Belgium. (68262 bytes)LBBG BLB L-76225 7cy, April 05 2003, Nachtegalenkeet - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in Belgium. (78756 bytes)LBBG BLB L-90374 adult, April 26 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in Belgium. (89070 bytes)LBBG BLB L-92674 adult, April 13 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E).
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. (51823 bytes)LBBG graellsii BTO FP-53605, April 05 2003, Nachtegalenkeet, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed in Britain, now breeding in SW Holland.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. (71053 bytes)LBBG graellsii BTO FP-53854, April 26 2004, EMO - Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N 04.02E). An adult ringed in Britain, now breeding in SW Holland.
ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. (92046 bytes)LBBG graellsii BTO GG-93433, April 22 2002, Missouriweg - ECT, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E). An adult ringed in Britain, now breeding in SW Holland.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. LBBG graellsii BTO GH-..., Dintelhaven, Maasvlakte, the Netherlands (51.59N,04.02E), March 30 2002. An adult bird ringed right leg with an English BTO ring.

ad LBBG in Januari-April, ringed in the U.K. (65100 bytes)LBBG graellsii BTO ?E-4678?, April 19 2002, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, France (50.42N,01.34E). An adult bird with a British ring.