Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii NLA 5. 504.071 2CY, August 14 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Picture: Maarten van Kleinwee.
Continental graellsii from this population are also referred to as 'Dutch intergrade', upperparts between medium grey British graellsii and dark grey Scandinavian intermedius.
Ringed as pullus in June 2013.
Local bird in complete moult: P7/-. P1-P7 new 2nd gen fully grown, P8 growing, length at P6, P9 at P1, P10 missing. PMS=42. Moult in secs: S1-S3 new 2nd gen, S4-S8 growing, then few secs missing, inner secs 3x old juvenile. Rectrices: R5-R4 juvenile tail-feathers, other have been shed, now growing 2nd gen.