lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
LBBG graellsii 2cy H713 April 16 2009, Quarteira, Portugal. Picture: Michael Davis. Ring series used at Amrum & Helgoland Islands, N Germany; two colonies in the transition zone between continental graellsii ("Dutch intergrade") and Scandinavian intermedius. Project run by Sönke Martens. Mid April, P1 has just been dropped, but the moult in wing-coverts and tertials is exceptional. This bird nicely demonstrates the overlap from post-juvenile moult (which may include many of the wing-coverts and tertilas, just as it is in michahellis) into the complete moult (which starts in spring, with P1 shed). |