lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
L. f. graellsii JG April 2008 - March 2009, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Ringed graellsii, ringed in the Netherlands by Roland-Jan Buijs in SW Netherlands, summer 2007 at Moerdijk. below: JG 2cy April 06 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Most scapulars replaced, wing-coverts and tertials still juvenile. US: 100%; LS: 75-99%; TOT SCAPS: 75-99%. Present wing-coverts and tertials still juvenile. Few inner mc seem to be missing, maybe the complete moult has just started, in the most common sequence in the wing-coverts: inner mc have been shed. Probably, the upper tertials and inner gc will soon follow. This all moult simultaneous with the inner primaries. below: 2cy JG April 13 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. below: 2cy JG August 20 2008, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Gabriel Martín. Late August, the complete moult is nearly ended, with P9 alreday fully grown. The gap in the central greater wing-coverts has closed; time for the partial autumn moult which normally includes upper tertials, inner gc and many mc and llc. At this moment: the median coverts have been dropped again, for the second time this year, and new 3rd gen feather will appear (which may well look either 2nd gen-like, or more adult-like plain grey; especially the last replaced feathers in the partial autumn moult, by early October). below: JG 2cy December 21 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. 2cy by December, typical 'second winter plumage' for graellsii with scapulars almost complete 'grey saddle'; and mostly 2nd-gen like wing-coverts. below: JG 3cy March 29 2009, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Few months later: immature patterned scapulars now all replaced. No changes in wing-coverts or tertials. Not much of a difference compared to the previous image, except bare part coloration. |