lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
L. f. graellsii KD March 2008 - March 2009, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Ringed graellsii, ringed in the Netherlands by Roland-Jan Buijs in SW Netherlands, summer 2007 at Moerdijk as pullus. below: KD 2cy March 24 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Scapulars replaced, wing-coverts and tertials still juvenile. below: KD 2cy September 21 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Still 2cy. End of the partial autumn moult. Upper tertials, inner gc, inner and central mc, several llc and lc replaced again this autumn, looking more adult-like grey than adjacent feathers. below: KD 2cy October 05 2008, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. Gc2, which was growing in previous image, now fully grown. Partial autumn moult finished, no moult gaps anymore. below: KD 3cy March 15 2009, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. 3cy spring, not much of a difference compared to last autumn. below: KD 3cy March 29 2009, Landfill VRSU de Pinto, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González. In all respects typical plumage for 3cy in spring, with grey 'saddle' and adult-like mc from the partial autmn moult. |