L. f. graellsii K.HAW April 29 2010, Texel, the Netherlands, picture: Cees Camphuysen &
January 06 2011, Landfill VRSU de Comenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain. Picture: Delfín González.
Ringed graellsii "Dutch intergrade". Green K.HAW ringed as pullus at Texel, the Netherlands on 14 July 2007.
below: K.HAW 5cy January 06 2011, Landfill VRSU de Comenar Viejo, Madrid, Spain.
P9 small mirror, P10 large miror. Immature pattern on bill.

below: K.HAW 4cy April 29 2010, Texel, the Netherlands, picture: Cees Camphuysen.
29 April 2010 return in colony Kelderhuispolder, Texel; first record after 2007. Still black at culmen as 4cy.
