Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: May 17 2015)


LBBG rings

lbbg 1cy May
lbbg 1cy June
lbbg 1cy July
lbbg 1cy August
lbbg 1cy September
lbbg 1cy October
lbbg 1cy November
lbbg 1cy December

lbbg 2cy January
lbbg 2cy February
lbbg 2cy March
lbbg 2cy April
lbbg 2cy May
lbbg 2cy June
lbbg 2cy July
lbbg 2cy August
lbbg 2cy September
lbbg 2cy October
lbbg 2cy November
lbbg 2cy December

lbbg 3cy January
lbbg 3cy February
lbbg 3cy March
lbbg 3cy April

lbbg 3cy May
lbbg 3cy June
lbbg 3cy July
lbbg 3cy August
lbbg 3cy September
lbbg 3cy October
lbbg 3cy November
lbbg 3cy December

lbbg sub-ad Jan
lbbg sub-ad Febr
lbbg sub-ad March
lbbg sub-ad April

lbbg sub-ad May
lbbg sub-ad June
lbbg sub-ad July
lbbg sub-ad Aug
lbbg sub-ad Sept
lbbg sub-ad Oct
lbbg sub-ad Nov
lbbg sub-ad Dec

lbbg adult January
lbbg adult February
lbbg adult March
lbbg adult April
lbbg adult May
lbbg adult June
lbbg adult July
lbbg adult August
lbbg adult September
lbbg adult October
lbbg adult November
lbbg adult December

(4 images) LBBG 2cy JX86 September 16 2002, Scheveningen, the Netherlands.

The primary moult pace is low and slightly delayed with p7 new, p8 at 1/4 of its length and p9 & p10 still juvenile. Such a small moult gap (p8 growing and p9 still present) might be a reasonable adaptation for long migration. The two central tail-feathers are missing, with R3-R6  is still old, bleached pale brown and lacking the white edge. Secondaries s1-s6 have been replaced and s7-s9 are missing. The inner secondaries are still juvenile. 
This bird followed the common moult strategy as can be seen in the wing-coverts: the median coverts, which were replaced first, now have worn tips and the same can be seen in the five inner greater coverts. Especially the second greater covert is very worn. The central and outer greater coverts were moulted recently and those feathers look relatively fresh. The complete moult is still in progress and finishing in the lower lesser and lesser coverts, with 25% of the lesser coverts still missing. In the mean time, the partial moult started in the upper tertial, which is missing.
One lower scapular is missing and two upper scapulars are fresh, dark grey with a wedge-shaped black centre.

This is a strong and powerful bird (male?), compared to other, smaller (female?) intermedius LBBG, present in a small flock of 40. The bird was ringed as pullus at Vest-Agder, southern Norway.

CR-Code Blue with white code JX86 Ringing Centre Stavanger
Ringnumber 4240286 Ringer Nils Helge Lorentzen
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus intermedius) Sex X Age Pullus Date 19.07.2001
Place Kubbøy, Søgne, Vest-Agder, NORWAY 58.01 N - 07.48 E

16.09.2002 Scheveningen, Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52.06 N - 04.25 E Mars Muusse