Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii & intermedius)

(last update: May 17 2015)


LBBG rings

lbbg 1cy May
lbbg 1cy June
lbbg 1cy July
lbbg 1cy August
lbbg 1cy September
lbbg 1cy October
lbbg 1cy November
lbbg 1cy December

lbbg 2cy January
lbbg 2cy February
lbbg 2cy March
lbbg 2cy April
lbbg 2cy May
lbbg 2cy June
lbbg 2cy July
lbbg 2cy August
lbbg 2cy September
lbbg 2cy October
lbbg 2cy November
lbbg 2cy December

lbbg 3cy January
lbbg 3cy February
lbbg 3cy March
lbbg 3cy April

lbbg 3cy May
lbbg 3cy June
lbbg 3cy July
lbbg 3cy August
lbbg 3cy September
lbbg 3cy October
lbbg 3cy November
lbbg 3cy December

lbbg sub-ad Jan
lbbg sub-ad Febr
lbbg sub-ad March
lbbg sub-ad April

lbbg sub-ad May
lbbg sub-ad June
lbbg sub-ad July
lbbg sub-ad Aug
lbbg sub-ad Sept
lbbg sub-ad Oct
lbbg sub-ad Nov
lbbg sub-ad Dec

lbbg adult January
lbbg adult February
lbbg adult March
lbbg adult April
lbbg adult May
lbbg adult June
lbbg adult July
lbbg adult August
lbbg adult September
lbbg adult October
lbbg adult November
lbbg adult December

LBBG 3cy SVS 810679xMay 03 2004, EMO Maasvlakte, the Netherlands. 

A ringed intermedius 3cy from Sweden, ringed as nestling at Yttre Tistlarna, Gotenborg on 8th July 2002. Ring not completely read, but series used on that location. It's an average 3cy LBBG in May and the colour of bare parts are typical for 3cy LBBG. Head and under parts are most white with streaking on the hind-neck. Most scapulars and mantle are grey with limited brown immature feathers. In the coverts, most medians have been replaced for dark grey feathers with still some old barred feathers. P1 and P2 are third generation, moulted on the wintering grounds. P3-P10 are also present but old second generation. Primary moult was arrested, probably for migration. P4 and P5 show small white tips. All secondaries except two are all third generation, the white tips obvious on the image, as the inner primaries. R1-R4 and R6 are white, R5 is older second generation-like.