lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
LBBG intermedius 3cy, June 28 2003, Dannes, NW France (50.42N,1.34E). An almost blackish 3cy LBBG intermedius with arrested moult in the primaries at P7. P1 is fresh 4th generation, P2-P3 missing, P4-P7 are 3rd generation, with P5-P7 relatively fresh compared to P4, and P8-P10 are old 2nd generation. In the rectrices, the inner tail-feathers are white with randomly small black spots, R6, the outer tail-feather is completely white and fresh. The secondaries seem to be moulted to third generation. The tertials and wing-coverts are advanced for 3cy LBBG. The three upper tertials are fresh, black-grey, while the lower three are brown hued. Greater coverts #1-#4 are adult-like with a brown hue, #5-#7 are blackish-grey, #8-#10 are older and worn at the fringes, #11 is blackish-grey and #12-#13 are paler and worn again. The outer greater coverts are probably old as well. Birds like this individual are somewhat similar to 3cy fuscus spring. |