4 images: LBBG intermedius 3cy J1E7 June 24 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands.
A pretty straightforward second summer (3cy) intermedius LBBG, although the upper-part moult is quite advanced (yet still not resembling a 4cy as in some intermedius LBBG). 3cy LBBG normally show a grey saddle formed by mantle and scapulars. Here, many of the lesser coverts are already moulted to adult-like feathers, so the extreme division between second generation coverts and grey saddle is lost.
The outer primaries are second generation, without tips and no mirror on P10. In the field the inner primaries and secondaries appeared to be second generation as well. Primary moult stage: P1 missing, P2-P10 still old. All secondaries grey-based with a brown hue and a white tip. The tail-feathers are a combination of old second generation and fresh third generation, creating a blocked pattern. R2-R3 were probably moulted this spring, a few months ago.
The innermost greater coverts and the outermost feather were moulted in the partial autumn moult and appear dark grey, but are slightly worn. The other greater coverts are worn feathers, moulted in the complete moult last summer.
The inner and central median coverts are dark grey, relatively fresh, lacking a brown hue. The inner lower lesser and lesser coverts are dark grey as well. The outer median and lower lesser coverts have been shed and the feathers in the carpal edge are bleached brown.
Almost all scapulars are dark grey.
The upper four tertials were moulted in the partial autumn moult, the lower tertials are abraded and brown.
The iris is speckled, the legs are pale yellow and there is a thin bill-band.
CR-Code Blue with white code J1E7 Ringing Centre Stavanger
Ringnumber 4226787 Ringer Runar Jåbekk
Species Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus intermedius)
Sex X Age Pull Date 11.07.2001
Place Lille Slettingen, Mandal, Vest-Agder, NORWAY Co-ordinates 57.58 N - 07.30 E
14.05.2003 IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52.28 N - 04.35 E Fred Cottaar
24.06.2003 IJmuiden, Noord-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52.28 N - 04.35 E Mars Muusse
01.09.2003 Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, NETHERLANDS 51.59 N - 04.01 E Mars Muusse
29.09.2003 Noordwijk, Zuid-Holland, NETHERLANDS 52.20 N - 04.30 E Hein Verkade
25.11.2003 Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cadiz, SPAIN 36.46 N - 06.21 W Harry Vercruijsse
29.05.2004 Gismerøya, Mandal, Vest-Agder, NORWAY 58.02 N - 07.28 E Inge Flesjå

(2 images below) LBBG intermedius J1E7 Naaktstrand, Maasvlakte, September 01 2003.
Outer primaries still second generation. In the partial moult on the wintering grounds, some outer secondaries have been included as well. The adult-like secondaries strongly contrast with the older second generation inner secondaries, which are bleached brown.
