lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
LBBG intermedius 3cy NOS 4217224September 02 2003, Westkapelle, the Netherlands (51.58N-04.02E). An intermedius somewhat resembling fuscus in moult strategy and with very dark blackish grey upper-parts. Ringed NOS 4217224 on 19 July 2001 at Hellersoy, Sogne, Vest-Agder, NORWAY (58.01N 07.49E). This individual is moulting the inner primaries: P1-P4 are fully grown fresh primaries, P5 has been shed. The moult in the primaries was arrested at P7 last time. The outer primaries P8-P10 are still old, probably second generation. In this last moult, the complete secondaries were included as well and they still look fresh with broad white tips. The tail-feathers are all present and look very adult-like, but with black markings on some feathers. It's hard to say whether the complete (summer) moult was arrested, or a partial moult on the wintering grounds was initiated. The bill has black on both mandibles and the red gonydeal spot is confined to the lower mandible. The bill is pale yellow. The orbital ring is rather dark red. The green-yellow iris has substantial fine speckling. There is some fine dark streaking on the crown. Most scapulars and the mantle look dark grey, with warm brown hue on the older upper lower scapulars. Most wing-coverts have the same colour, especially the median coverts, lower lesser coverts and inner greater coverts, typically the early moulted wing-coverts in the ordinary complete moult cycles. The central and outer greater coverts and the outer lesser coverts are much older, plain brown and bleached. The legs are pale yellow. |