Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii 9X adult, May 11 2016, Europoort (Dintelhaven), the Netherlands (51.57 N 04.06 E).
Metal ring Arnhem NLA 5.473.526 and plastic tibia white 9X, ringed as breeding male (>4CY) on May 27 2013 at Europoort (Dintelhaven), the Netherlands (51.57 N 04.06 E) by ringers H. Keijser & R.J. Buijs.
30-4-2014 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.157,00 N 406,00 E colourring read Hans Keijser
6-2-2015 Pinto (Vuilstort), Madrid, SPANJE 4.015,00 N 342,00 W colourring read Javier Marchamalo
11-5-2016 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.157,00 N 406,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
14-5-2016 Europoort (Dintelhaven), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.157,00 N 406,00 E colourring read N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
