lbbg 1cy May lbbg 2cy January lbbg 3cy January lbbg sub-ad Jan lbbg adult January |
Lesser Black-backed Gull intermedius 7,8cy SVS 8081502 November 2003 & 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. Pictures Pim Wolf.Intermedius ringed in Sweden, no doubt in the far SW of the country, as all ring reads of Swedish birds origin from that region. As soon as data are available, more information on age and origin will be added. Data: ringed as pullus on 03 July 1997 at Kungälv, SW Sweden (57° 49' 47 , 11° 33' 0). below: 7cy 8081502 November 30 2003, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.P9 fully grown and P10 just an inch short by late November, so Primary Moult Score PMS is 49. Red on the lower mandibles, black on the lower mandibles, coral red orbital ring, yellow iris without speckling and yellow legs. below: 8cy 8081502 November 22 2004, Westkapelle, the Netherlands.Returning adult from Sweden, again late in autumn and still in the North Sea region. Nonetheless, ring reads from Dutch colour ringed birds revealed that individuals which are still in NW Europe by November, can be found along the Moroccan coast by January. Although one year older now, SVS8081502 still shows very small tips to the outer primaries, a small mirror on P10 and relatively much black on P4. Bare parts coloration similar to last year, but no black on the bill (and black on the bill was probably dirt in 2003). |