Yellow-legged Gull- Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): 2CY August

(last update: 08 december 2003)


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photo 5: Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 2CY, August 25 2000, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France.

Another individual that shows what can be called "a less advanced moult". Actually, the real moult stage is not delayed or less advanced when this individual is compared to other 2CY michahellis. It's the pattern on the recently replaced third generation feathers, that creates a less advanced look. These third generation feathers resemble second generation feathers in the bold barred pattern, both on the coverts and on the scapulars.
The two upper tertials and the inner two greater coverts are missing and still have to be replaced. Normally these are the last moulted. In the median coverts, the central and outer half of the median row is missing as well. The innermost median covert, #1, is fully grown (very new), #2 is still growing and #4-6 were replaced earlier. The lesser coverts look pretty neat. The last moulted scapulars show a buffish centre and a broad white fringe at the tip, yet with a contrasting bold anchor pattern. The primary moult stage: P8 is fully grown.