Yellow-legged Gull - Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): sub-adult August

(last update: 10 december 2003)


YLG 1cy May
YLG 1cy June
YLG 1cy July
YLG 1cy August
YLG 1cy September
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YLG 1cy November
YLG 1cy December

YLG 2cy January
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YLG 2cy August
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YLG 3cy August
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YLG 3cy December

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YLG sub-ad Aug.
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YLG adult January
YLG adult February
YLG adult March
YLG adult April
YLG adult May
YLG adult June
YLG adult July
YLG adult August
YLG adult September
YLG adult October
YLG adult November
YLG adult December

This website deals with the Yellow-legged Gull taxon michahellis, which is a common migrant from July to December in NW Europe. After extensive expansion of the breeding population during the last three decades, it nowadays can be found breeding in Belgium, the Netherlands and Britain in mixed couples with both Herring Gull (argenteus) and Lesser Black-backed Gull (graellsii). There are subtle differences between the populations from the Mediterranean, Atlantic coast of Portugal and Morocco and from the islands in the Atlantic. Most pronounced differences can be found in the taxon atlantis, now regarded as full species by some authors.

General description:

August is one of the best months to study michahellis at Le Portel and Etaples, NW France. At the beach of Le Touquet, near Etaples, large groups congregate and use the beach as a resting place. They frequent the Dannes landfill as feeding place and many depend on the local fish-market of Etaples for food supply. The ports of Boulogne-sur-Mer and the beach of Le Portel are other good spots to find sub-adult Yellow-legged Gulls. See Le Portel page for locations.

The difference between 3cy birds and 4cy birds can best be checked by the outer primary, which may still be unshed by August: 4cy birds show a small but obvious white mirror on P10, while 3cy birds have the (second generation) outer primary all brown. Other clues can be found in the bare part coloration, with 4cy strongly resembling adults. Sub-adult michahellis has black in the old outer primary coverts and dark centres on the old secondaries. Furthermore, 3cy birds often have one or several second generation tail-feathers, showing a broad black band. 

Complete moult in August:

As can be seen in most of the images, sub-adult Yellow-legged Gulls look very untidy and mottled in their August plumage, as was already the case in July. Simultaneous moult is in progress in the primaries, wing-coverts, tertials, scapulars and the tail-feathers. 
By August, the median row and outer lower lesser coverts have been renewed already a month ago. The inner greater coverts and upper tertials have been replaced as well. Active moult is in progress in the outer greater coverts (growing inwards, in descendant order) and in the lesser coverts. The lower tertials are growing as well. 
By the end of the month, the central greater coverts are still missing and many lesser coverts are missing as well. In the carpal edge, coverts may still be old and abraded.
The fresh grey median coverts normally strongly contrast with the brown-hued and abraded lesser coverts and old greater coverts (some central greater coverts are still present by early August).

Moult stage and pace of remiges and rectrices:

Currently, we don't have sufficient data for detailed moult descriptions of sub-adult August birds. But in general, the primary moult stage of sub-adult birds averages P8-P10 remaining primaries in the first week of August. By this time, the new central tail-feathers are growing and the average bird has dropped the outermost secondaries S1-S2.

See Topography Section for explanation of feather tracts.



sub-adult michahellis in August. (74661 bytes)Photo 7338: michahellis sub-adult, August 10 2003, Etaples, France. 
sub-adult michahellis in August. (82777 bytes)Photo 7565: michahellis sub-adult, August 10 2003, Etaples, France. 
3cy michahellis in August. (72451 bytes)Photo 7234: Michahellis 4cy, August 08 2003, Le Portel, NW France. 
sub-adult michahellis in August. (33849 bytes)Photo 01: Michahellis 4cy, August 25 2001, Etaples, NW France. 
sub-adult michahellis in August. (27770 bytes)Photo 02: Michahellis 4cy, August 25 2001, Etaples, NW France. 
sub-adult michahellis in August. (66568 bytes)Photo 03: Michahellis 4cy, August 25 2001, Le Portel, NW France. 
sub-adult michahellis in August. (83910 bytes)Photo 04: Michahellis 4cy, August 25 2001, Etaples, NW France.
Ringed individual. Ring data will be added when available.