Coordinator: Greg Neubauer Marcin Przymencki Albert de Jong Mars Muusse cachinnans plumages |
Larus argentatus sensu lato 3P70 adult, May 02 2014 - April 20 2015, Zastów Karczmiski, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. Please visit Łukasz's BLOG for beautiful drawings and up-to-date gull news from eastern Poland: Wildlife art and illustration Location: Zastów Karczmiski, Poland - colony at the banks of the Middle Vistula river. Middle Vistule river is a location where several taxa breed: see composition. Since this is a mixed breeding population where hybridisation is not uncommon, the ringing centre in Poland decided to label birds "Larus argentatus sensu lato". Still bulk of the breeding birds in Middle Vistula region show features of cachinnans. below: Larus argentatus sensu lato 3P70 adult, April 20 2015, Zastów Karczmiski, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. In all respects yellow-legged Herring Gull Larus argentatus. Note bill shape.
below: Larus argentatus sensu lato 3P70 adult, January 11 2015, Pulawy, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz. In all respects Herring Gull Larus argentatus with streaking on head in winter.
below: Larus argentatus sensu lato 3P70 adult, May 02 2014, Zastów Karczmiski, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. Breeding bird trapped at the nest. In all respects Herring Gull Larus argentatus.