Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull (atlantis)

(last update: October 12, 2011)

Rui Caratão (Portugal)
Mars Muusse (Netherlands)

Atlantic YLG 3cy January

Atlantic YLG (atlantis) 3cy, January 31 2008, Azores Islands. Picture: Dominic Mitchell. Iris turning pale.
Atlantic YLG (atlantis) 3cy, January 29 2008, Azores Islands. Picture: Dominic Mitchell. Grey feathers from the partial autumn moult, especially apparent on upper tertials and in median and inner greater wing-coverts.
Atlantic YLG (atlantis) 3cy, January 29 2008, Azores Islands. Picture: Dominic Mitchell. Grey feathers from the partial autumn moult, especially apparent on inner median and inner greater wing-coverts. Note dark head.