Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)


Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii S|Y 1CY, June & August 2021, Lelystad, the Netherlands & Torreira, Portugal. Picture: Roland-Jan Buijs, Jeroen Nagtegaal & Mars Muusse.

Hatched at dam 2 near nest 054, but most likely a chick from the adjacent LBBG nest.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii S|Y 1CY, August 30 2021, Torreira, Portugal. Picture: Roland-Jan Buijs.

below: Lesser Black-backed Gull graellsii S|Y 1CY, June 26 2021, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Jeroen Nagtegaal & Mars Muusse.