Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest Lelystad 013

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest 013 positioned on top of breakwater 2. Behind nest 18, just and a few meters eastwards.
  • By May 2020, area also occupied by Little Egrets and Spoonbills, therefore no controls after May 1st.
  • In 2021, nest was added to control list quite late, 1st week of May.
  • Uncertainty on ID in 2020, one parent is Caspian Gull cachinnans type, or just within hybrid zone. Other parent not photographed.
  • Uncertainty on ID in 2021, one parent is probably same bird, again Caspian Gull cachinnans type or just within hybrid zone. Possible partner may be sub-adult Herring Gull type.
  • In 2023: late nest with eggs found on May 27th, 2023. Not monitored except for this date. No clue on breeders, but note egg dimensions.
  • In 2024: possible adult Herring Gull.
location May 27th, 2023: old 13 location. May 27th, 2023: old 13 location. April 21st, 2024: indication placed on N side.
eggs April 15th, 2020: 1 egg clutch. April 27th, 2020: 3 eggs clutch. May 27th, 2023: 3 eggs clutch.
  April 21st, 2024: 3 eggs clutch. . .
partner 1 May 7th, 2020. May 7th, 2020. May 7th, 2020.
partner 1 April 26th, 2021: possible bird for nest 13. May 6th, 2021. May 6th, 2021.
partner 1 April 26 2024: Herring gull is guarding. . .
partner 2 May 28th, 2021: possible partner nest 13. May 28th, 2021: possible partner nest 13. May 28th, 2021: possible partner nest 13.
pullus May 28th, 2021: pullus b[F|R]. May 28th, 2021: pullus b[F|S]. May 28th, 2021.

Visits and data.

date: egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 27th:  
15-04-2020 A 51,4 71,2 94,71 90 - tip on bottom 1 egg in nest.
27-04-2020 B 51,1 72,2 94,92 90 - tip on bottom Now 3 eggs in nest.
  C 49,8 68,5 85,54 60 - tip on bottom  
  sum nest: 275,17
21-05-2020 ?? Nest not checked as there are Spoonbills and Little Egrets breeding there too now.
26-04-2021 Adult bird landed on this location. First indication of occupied nest.
egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 27th:
06-05-2021 A egg 76,1 50,0 95,79 4 mm - floating 3 eggs in nest.
B egg 76,9 48,2 89,95 4 mm - floating
C egg 73,8 48,7 88,13 1 mm - floating
15-05-2021 Nest missed in control.
28-05-2021 metal tibia mass head + bill possible parent: Herring Gull type sub-adult.
pullus .5559402 b-F|P 210 58,8
pullus .5559403 b-F|R 190 67,2
pullus .5559404 b-F|S 185 65,2
08-06-2021 No visit. Spoonbill breeding here.
26-06-2021 No visit.  
egg sizes & volume 2023
SPECIES NEST A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST: known parents?
13-2023 73,7 45,7 77,50 72,4 47,7 82,94 71,4 48,8 85,61 246,05 ?
dam: dam 2 central
location: is old nest 13-2021, just W of Vuilnisbakkie (252), red flag placed, dark grey plastic & red stripe.
27-5-2023 nest: 3 eggs, measured today.

Visits and data 2024.

NEST code parent 1 parent  2 A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST:
  teus teus 71 50,1 89,73 67 49,2 81,66 68,2 48,4 80,44 251,83
013-2024 # eggs A-egg hatch # ringed chicks # all chicks # fledged chicks comments
  3 17-4-2024 15-5-2024
dam: dam 2 central
location: 10 mtr behind 14, visible from north. Blue/yellow foam sign & flag 13.
parents? New?
ring pulli: 20-May
date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill bill tarsus gonys greyscale
21-04-2024 eggs: 3 eggs, measured. 
23-04-2024 adults: 2x Herring Gulls adult.
26-04-2024 adults: 2x Herring Gulls adult.


3 eggs.
14-05-2024 eggs: 3 eggs.
04-06-2024 nest: 2x dead chicks in nest. Probably failed season 2024.