Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Leon Kelder
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Merijn Loeve
Mars Muusse


Cachinnans - nest Lelystad 017

General remarks:

  • Eggs: Volume measured by Stonehouse (1964) and Spaans & Spaans (1975), which make comparison possible with data from Texel (Camphuysen pers comm 16.04.2020).
  • Nest 017 positioned at breakwater 2, large code marked on block).
  • ID certain in season 2020: parents are Caspian Gull cachinnans.
  • Situation in 2021 somewhat more complicated. Main problem: whole month of April a small group of adults were guarding near the nest on top of the dam, close to each other. Group included Herring Gull 4CY, Caspian Gull with intense yellow legs, and Yellow-legged Gull ( type) adult. April 16th, 2021 nest 17 contained 2 eggs and parentage was unknown, but on April 24th the nest was empty.
  • Same period, late March - April, multiple cachinnans type birds were guarding on the blocks, right below the nest at the waterfront.
  • By May, the group had split and May 15th, 2021 the yellow legged female Caspian Gull and male Yellow-legged Gull (hybrid) started their own nest, 6 meters east from old nest 17, renamed "nest 41".
  • Herring Gull from the group started also a new nest in May, only 1 meter away from old location (code remained "nest 17", season 2021 on this page).
  • ID uncertain in 2021: one parent certain Herring Gull argenteus, other parent never seen interacting with nest, not even alarming when there were chicks trapped at the nest.
  • ID uncertain in 2022: female is cachinnans, male is very likely michahellis-type which eventually move to nest 41 in 2021.
  • ID uncertain in 2023: likely same female cachinnans, and michahellis-type male, same as in 2022.
  • ID uncertain in 2024: same female cachinnans, and michahellis-type male, same as in 2022/23.
partner 1 May 7th, 2020. . .
partner 2 May 7th, 2020. May 7th, 2020. May 7th, 2020.
pullus May 21st, 2020: pullus b[F|C].    
location 2021 March 30th, 2021 multiple cachinnans guarding on blocks. April 26th, 2021: Herring Gull (left) at new nest. .
nest 2021 April 16th, 2021: 2 eggs clutch. April 16th, 2021: new location, new 2 eggs clutch. May 15th, 2021: 3 eggs clutch.
  April 21st, 2024: 3 eggs. . .
partner 1 April 26th, 2021: Herring Gull sub-adult. April 26th, 2021: Herring Gull sub-adult. April 26th, 2021: Herring Gull sub-adult.
partner 2 April 26th, 2021: Caspian Gull type? Bird in background. April 24th, 2021: possible partner, but uncertain. April 24th, 2021: possible partner, but uncertain.
nest 2022/23/24 April 29th, 2022: 3 eggs clutch. April 15th, 2022: nest site. April 19th, 2022: female at nest site, which is next to 223.
location April 23rd, 2024: male & female cachinnans. . .
. April 26th, 2022: 3 eggs clutch. April 26th, 2023: nest site. April 9th, 2023: female cachinnans
& neighbour cachinnans from nest 223 or 252.
partner 1 April 11th, 2022: female is cachinnans. May 4th, 2022: female is cachinnans. April 11th, 2022: female is cachinnans.
  April 27th, 2023: female cachinnans. April 27th, 2023: female cachinnans. April 27th, 2023: female cachinnans.
  April 23rd, 2024: female cachinnans. April 23rd, 2024: female cachinnans. '.
partner 2 April 29th, 2022: male is michahellis-type. April 29th, 2022: male is michahellis-type. April 29th, 2022: male is michahellis-type.
  April 27th, 2023: male is michahellis-type. April 27th, 2023: male is michahellis-type. April 23rd, 2024: male is michahellis-type.
pullus June 28th, 2021: pullus b[S|Z] Herring Gull type. June 28th, 2021: pullus b[S|0] Caspian Gull type. May 9th, 2022: pullus r[C.X].
pullus May 14 2024: pullus g-B|1. . .

Visits and data.

  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 15th:  
15-04-2020 A 53,3 73,1 104,56 30 - tip on bottom 3 eggs in the nest.
  B 50,7 68,3 88,40 10 - on bottom  
  C 51,2 73,7 97,28 40 - tip on bottom
  sum nest: 290,23
21-05-2020 pullus     Empty nest. One pullus found, ringed b[F|C].
16-04-2021 2 eggs. Behind block code "17". Red flag placed near nest.
  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 16th:   
  A 53,5 71,5 103,04 20 - flat on bottom  
  B 52,3 68,9 94,89 25 - flat on bottom  
24-04-2021 Nest 17 at flag disappeared? Herring Gull sub-adult started new nest 17 1 meter to the west, it has again 2 eggs.
  2 eggs. Behind bundle of braches and twigs. Flag replaced to this nest. And bundle sprayed red with paint.
  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 24th:   
  A 50,9 69,3 90,4 20 - flat on bottom  
  B 50,9 70,6


20 - flat on bottom  
26-04-2021 Herring Gull at new nest 17, at look-out stone 40 cm from nest. Two yellow-legged birds again 6 mtr to the right forming a new pair, will be nest 41.
  On blocks, 10 meter below nest 17 at waterfront, always a guarding Caspian Gull type (not pure). This will later be nest 45.
13-05-2021 On blocks, 10 meter below nest 17 at waterfront, again alert Caspian Gull type.
15-05-2021 Nest 17 and nerst 41 split now definitely. Nest 17 with Herring Gull sub-adult and 3 eggs.
  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on May 15th: No Measurements Monika Ballmann.
  A 50,5 69,2 88,86 --  
  B 50,6 70


  C 49,5 68,9 85 --  
28-05-2021   metal ring: tibia ring: mass (gr): head + bill:
  pullus .5559382 b-S|Z 123 56,5
  pullus .5559383 b-S|0 243 64,5
  pullus .5559384 b-S|1 198 63,6
08-06-2021 Herring Gull sub-adult at nest.      
  On blocks, below nest 17 at waterfront, now 2 Caspian Gull type birds. The guarding Caspian Gull type will now be assigned nest 45, no longer potentially linked to nest 17.
26-06-2021   metal ring: tibia ring: mass head + bill wing
  pullus .5559382 b-S|Z 1039 113,3 287
  pullus .5559383 b-S|0 947 111,3 305
Visits and data 2022:
Estimation egg laying: A-egg = April 06 2022?. Estimating hatching = May 04 2022.
11-04-2022 adult bird present. This is location nest 17-2021.
15-04-2022 A egg 77,8 50,2 No water test.
  B egg 77,3 49,9      
  C egg 70,9 48,5      
  Coded flag placed near nest. And red spot sprayed on stone near nest.
19-04-2022 adult bird present, same as April 11th. Neighbour is Herring Gull and behind 17 (on north side) is nest with y-X540.
29-04-2022 A egg float - 3 mm        
  B egg float - 2 mm        
  C egg float - 4 mm        
  Partner near nest seems to be a michahellis hybrid (River Gull), which moved from 17 to nest 41 in season 2021.
04-05-2022 both adults: cachinnans female and michahellis (-type) male.
09-05-2022 A egg infertile        
  pullus NLA 5625073 r-C.X      
  C egg infertile        
30-05-2022 both adults present: cachinnans female and michahellis (-type) male. Chick hides in vegetation.
17-06-2022 ringed juvenile at nest site, together with chicks from nest 223 (yX540)..
28-06-2022 both adults present.
egg sizes & volume 2023
SPECIES NEST A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST: known parents?
cach x micha 17-2023 72,0 52,0 98,03 71,8 52,5 99,64 68,9 51,3 91,30 288,96 same as 2022
ring pulli: laying A egg: hatch A egg
16-mei 11-apr 9-mei (guess)
dam: dam 2 central
location: on S-side "17" coded on block. Same as 2022.
breeders: cachinnans female and michahellis (-type) male.
09-04-2023 nest: empty, but nest is ready.
26-04-2023 nest: 3 eggs measured, no water test.
27-04-2023 adult: 2x cach type, slightly broad medial bands on P10. One bird probably from nest 2,5 mtr N (nest 223).
11-05-2023 nest: 1 egg, where are the 2 eggs/chicks?
13-05-2023 adult: pair present.
18-05-2023 nest: nest empty, no chicks found.
27-05-2023 nest: 2 eggs, 2nd attempt.
25-06-2023 nest: 1 parent present,  4-days old chick in nest. Will be no ringing for this nest this year.
15-07-2023 nest: large juvenile present.
18-07-2023 nest: large juvenile present.

Visits and data 2024.

NEST code parent 1 parent  2 A_length A_width A_volume B_length B_width B_volume C_length C_width C_volume TOTAL NEST:
      73,1 51,4 97,24 68,6 50,2 87,04 71,7 52,2 98,37 282,65
017-2024 # eggs A-egg hatch # ringed chicks # all chicks # fledged chicks comments
  3 14-4-2024 12-5-2024
dam: dam 2 central
location: 17-2021/2022/2023
parents? Same?
ring pulli: 18-May
date darvic metal location / nest# species sexe age wing mass head+ bill bill tarsus gonys greyscale
14-05-2024 g-B|1 .5631179 nest 17 PONT 1CY 188          
21-04-2024 eggs: 3 eggs, measured. 
07-05-2024 nest: 3 eggs, hatching.
14-05-2024 nest: 1 egg, hatching today.
chicks: 1x ringed and measured.
04-06-2024 pullus g-B|1 dead, <1 day. Rings removed.