Herring Gull A5AB (argenteus), November 2007 - September 2009, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Herring Gull A5AB 1cy (argenteus), November 15 2007, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Bird ringed at Essex, U.K. Taken into care for a while as orphan / botulism victim (but nestling from the coast), then released at 07 June 2007. Many scapulars replaced: us = 100% 2g; ls = 75-99% 2g; total scaps = 75-99% 2g.

Herring Gull A5AB 2cy (argenteus), March 08 2008, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Only slight progress: us = 100% 2g; ls = 75-99% 2g; total scaps = 75-99% 2g.

Herring Gull A5AB 2cy (argenteus), September 03 2008, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Complete moult almost finished. P8 fully grown, no old primaries left. Partial autumn moult started with upper tertials again replaced (tt2 growing); gc2 missing, and probably mc2 as well. Several l.s. missing; 3rd gen u.s. again 2nd gen like in pattern.

Herring Gull A5AB 3cy (argenteus), September 23 2009, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Complete moult almost finished. P8 fully grown, no old primaries left.

Herring Gull A5AB 4cy (argenteus), December 07 2010, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Picture: J-M Sauvage.
Note dark pattern on greater primary coverts.
