1cy May YLG
2cy January YLG
3cy January YLG
sub-ad Jan. YLG
adult January |
(L. michahellis) 1cy, November 25 2003, Sète, S France.
142P has obviously replaced wing-coverts and tertials in the post-juvenile moult. All of the scapulars have been replaced for second generation feathers, including the rear lower scapulars, the ones covering the scapular coverts. In the upper scapulars, a subsequent moult to third generation feathers has started, with third generation grey-based feathers. The partial autumn moult included the upper tertials, the innermost greater coverts, almost all of the visible median coverts and lower lesser coverts and the inner lesser coverts. The outer greater coverts and the outer lesser coverts (especially the upper row and carpal edge) are expected to be juvenile. The bill starts to get paler at base.