1cy May
1cy June
1cy July
YLG 1cy August
YLG 1cy September
YLG 1cy October
YLG 1cy November
YLG 1cy December
2cy January
YLG 2cy February
YLG 2cy March
YLG 2cy April
YLG 2cy May
YLG 2cy June
YLG 2cy July
YLG 2cy August
YLG 2cy September
YLG 2cy October
YLG 2cy November
YLG 2cy December
3cy January
YLG 3cy February
YLG 3cy March
YLG 3cy April
YLG 3cy May
YLG 3cy June
YLG 3cy July
YLG 3cy August
YLG 3cy September
YLG 3cy October
YLG 3cy November
YLG 3cy December
sub-ad Jan.
YLG sub-ad Feb.
YLG sub-ad March
YLG sub-ad April
YLG sub-ad May
YLG sub-ad June
YLG sub-ad July
YLG sub-ad Aug.
YLG sub-ad Sept.
YLG sub-ad Oct.
YLG sub-ad Nov.
YLG sub-ad Dec.
adult January
YLG adult February
YLG adult March
YLG adult April
YLG adult May
YLG adult June
YLG adult July
YLG adult August
YLG adult September
YLG adult October
YLG adult November
YLG adult December
Photo 214: YLG (L. michahellis) 1cy, November
15 2003, Westkapelle, the
A rather coarsely marked individual in typical
plumage. One tertial has been replaced for second generation. This bird shows
the common sequence in wing-covert moult, with three inner greater coverts replaced for second
generation, five inner median coverts, several inner lower lesser coverts and
about five lesser coverts have been moulted. The lower lesser covert moult is
quite random. Almost all of the under-parts have been
replaced for second generation feathers as well, the head now showing neat streaking on
the new feathers. 1cy michahellis in this plumage, with fresh dark
under-parts resemble Lesser Black-backed Gull in some respect, but note:
- pale legs with pinkish shins, where Lesser
Black-backed Gulls normally show dark shins;
- pale inner-webs on inner primaries (not visible in this image);
- wedge-shaped tail-band (not visible in this image);
- bleached juvenile wing-coverts, with the white notches already largely worn
away, indicative for early hedged juveniles from the Mediterranean.
