Yellow-legged Gull- Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): 1cy October

(last update: 08 december 2003)


YLG 1cy May
YLG 1cy June
YLG 1cy July
YLG 1cy August
YLG 1cy September
YLG 1cy October
YLG 1cy November
YLG 1cy December

YLG 2cy January
YLG 2cy February
YLG 2cy March
YLG 2cy April
YLG 2cy May
YLG 2cy June
YLG 2cy July
YLG 2cy August
YLG 2cy September
YLG 2cy October
YLG 2cy November
YLG 2cy December

YLG 3cy January
YLG 3cy February
YLG 3cy March
YLG 3cy April
YLG 3cy May
YLG 3cy June
YLG 3cy July
YLG 3cy August
YLG 3cy September
YLG 3cy October
YLG 3cy November
YLG 3cy December

YLG sub-ad Jan.
YLG sub-ad Feb.
YLG sub-ad March
YLG sub-ad April
YLG sub-ad May
YLG sub-ad June
YLG sub-ad July
YLG sub-ad Aug.
YLG sub-ad Sept.
YLG sub-ad Oct.
YLG sub-ad Nov.
YLG sub-ad Dec.

YLG adult January
YLG adult February
YLG adult March
YLG adult April
YLG adult May
YLG adult June
YLG adult July
YLG adult August
YLG adult September
YLG adult October
YLG adult November
YLG adult December

Photo 6896: YLG (L. michahellis) 1cy, October 01 2001, Le Portel, France.

The average moult stage for early October in michahellis: most of the scapulars replaced (except a few feathers in the lowest row) and some inner median and greater coverts moulted. The moult sequence in the lesser coverts is less clear. The most recently moulted feathers have a greyish base, in the older feather this colour turns paler, almost white with a warm brown tone near the tip. 
Note the fine vermiculated pattern on the juvenile central greater coverts, uncommon in michahellis which normally show more prominent barring are notching in these feathers. Most of the head, breast and belly has been moulted to second generation under-parts.