Yellow-legged Gull- Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): 1cy October

(last update: 08 december 2003)


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7157 (2 images):  YLG (L. michahellis) 1cy, October 13 2001, Westkapelle, the Netherlands. 

An odd individual with all scapulars moulted to second generation, the tertials still juvenile and the wing-coverts still juvenile as well. All these feathers show abraded fringes and the tips worn away. Note the very dark black-brown centres of the tertials, which are the darkest feathers on this bird, together with the primaries and tail-band of course. 
The scapulars are probably moulted quite some time ago (August) since most of these scapulars have a faded colour and abraded fringes, except a few lower scapulars. Normally, michahellis continues this moult with replacement of inner wing-coverts and sometimes tertials. Here, all wing-coverts are still juvenile, except the central median coverts, which have been shed and a few new second generation, which coverts are growing in the median and lesser covert rows. Note the rather pale head (second generation feathers) and pale shins.