Yellow-legged Gull- Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): 1cy September

(last update: 18 oktober 2004)


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(2 images) Yellow-legged Gull (L. michahellis) I013, September 13 2003, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Photo Kees Verbeek. 

A 1cy Yellow-legged Gull from Italy, ringed left red I013. This bird was ringed on May 28 2003 near Mira, Venetia, Italy. Compared to two other Italian michahellis presented in another section, I013 has a delayed moult stage, also compared to the average 1cy michahellis at Boulogne-sur-Mer, N France. The tertials  and wing-coverts are still juvenile. Most of the upper scapulars have been replaced for second generation feathers, but the lower rows of scapulars are still juvenile. At a distance the bill is all dark, but close examination reveal slightly paler culmen at the base.

See also:
ILZB & IKZH here.