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photo 1: Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 2cy,
August 25 2000, Le Portel, NW France.
P8 is fully grown and all old juvenile primaries have been shed. The
second tertial is replaced again and still growing; the centre of this
feather is grey, unlike the brown centres of the previous moulted tertials.
All the greater coverts have an obvious barred pattern and are fully grown
as the complete moult is finished in this tract. The inner 8 median
coverts have been replaced a while ago in the complete moult, while the
outer medians have been shed again and will be of a next generation this
autumn. Moult in the median covert is part of the partial moult which
takes place in autumn 2cy michahellis. This partial moult may
overlap with the complete moult, which is still obvious in both outer
primaries and outer lesser coverts.
The scapulars are almost completely grey, at least third generation. Note
the dark bill and pinkish legs.