1cy May YLG
2cy January YLG
3cy January YLG
sub-ad Jan. YLG
adult January |
photo 3: Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 2cy, August 25 2000, Le Portel / Boulogne-sur-Mer, NW France. Primary P8 is fully grown and there are no old juvenile primaries left. The partial autumn moult has started as can be seen in the upper two tertials, which have been shed and one is just visible beneath the tip of the scapular coverts. The partial median covert moult is in progress as well: the inner most median covert, #1, has been replaced very recently, #2 is growing and halfway it's final length, #3-#4 have been replaced earlier, #5 is very new, #6 is growing and the outer medians were probably moulted in descendant order, towards the body. In the lesser coverts, many moult gaps are visible, but the outer lesser and outer lower lessers show neat white fringes and a dark centre. In the scapulars moult is still going on as well, with some recently moulted feathers (note the broad white fringe) showing a bold brown pattern.