Yellow-legged Gull - Geelpootmeeuw (L. michahellis): 3cy July

(last update: 08 december 2003)


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photo 5605: Yellow-legged Gull michahellis group, July 27 2001, Etaples, France (50.42N,1.34E).

Two 2cy's moult-stages clearly visible: most of the inner secondaries have been shed (S1 already fully grown and the inner half of the secondaries still juvenile) and only P9-P10 still old (juvenile), while P8 is missing. The other 2cy has a similar moult-score.
In the foreground is a 3cy with P5 and P6 fully grown. The inner greater coverts have been shed, exposing the second generation secondaries. Again, this individual starts to show "winter-streaking" on the head by late July. Note also the brown-based lesser coverts in the upper row, the last obvious immature feathers in the wing-coverts panel.