1cy May YLG
2cy January YLG
3cy January YLG
sub-ad Jan. YLG
adult January |
(2 images) Yellow-legged Gull michahellis 3cy, May 05 2001, Etaples, France (50.42N,1.34E). Probably a male. By May, 3cy michahellis show yellow legs, a clear yellow base of the bill, a red gonydeal spot (although often obscured by the black bill-band) and complete grey upper-parts (mantle and scapular region). The complete moult in the wing-coverts has started in this individual, most noticeable in the missing upper tertial. The inner greater coverts, the inner and central medians, many lower lesser and some lesser coverts appear plain grey, replaced in the partial autumn moult as 2cy bird. The remaining upper tertials are at least third generation as well, maybe even fourth generation, depending on the extend of the partial post-juvenile moult and the partial autumn moult as 2cy. Those grey feathers strongly contrast with the barred old second generation outer greater coverts.