(last update: 08 december 2003)
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YLG 2cy January YLG 2cy February YLG 2cy March YLG 2cy April YLG 2cy May YLG 2cy June YLG 2cy July YLG 2cy August YLG 2cy September YLG 2cy October YLG 2cy November YLG 2cy December
YLG 3cy January YLG 3cy February YLG 3cy March YLG 3cy April YLG 3cy May YLG 3cy June YLG 3cy July YLG 3cy August YLG 3cy September YLG 3cy October YLG 3cy November YLG 3cy December
YLG sub-ad Jan. YLG sub-ad Feb. YLG sub-ad March YLG sub-ad April YLG sub-ad May YLG sub-ad June YLG sub-ad July YLG sub-ad Aug. YLG sub-ad Sept. YLG sub-ad Oct. YLG sub-ad Nov. YLG sub-ad Dec.
YLG adult January YLG adult February YLG adult March YLG adult April YLG adult May YLG adult June YLG adult July YLG adult August YLG adult September YLG adult October YLG adult November YLG adult December
photo 7565: Yellow-legged Gull michahellis sub-adult, August 10 2003, Etaples, France (50.44N, 01.35E).
Front bird appearing very adult-like but note the brown greater primary coverts. P4 fully grown and P8-P10 still old.