Greg Neubauer
Marcin Przymencki
Albert de Jong
Mars Muusse
cachinnans PDF
cachinnans in Poland
cachinnans in Holland
cachinnans rings
1cy August
1cy September
1cy October
1cy November
1cy December
2cy January
2cy February
2cy March
2cy April
2cy May
2cy June
2cy July
2cy August
2cy September
2cy October
2cy November
2cy December
3cy January
3cy February
3cy March
3cy April
3cy May
3cy June
3cy July
3cy August
3cy September
3cy October
3cy November
3cy December
sub-adult January
sub-adult February
sub-adult March
sub-adult April
sub-adult May
sub-adult June
sub-adult July
sub-adult August
sub-adult September
sub-adult October
sub-adult November
sub-adult December
adult January
adult February
adult March
adult April
adult May
adult June
adult July
adult August
adult September
adult October
adult November
adult December
3cy cachinnans: September
In 2010, Chris Gibbins, Brian J. Small and John Sweeney published two extensive papers in Britsih Birds, dealing with Caspian Gull. Below, you will find the content of the first paper "Part 1: typical birds".
Part 2: JUVENILES (1CY birds in July–September)
Part 3: BIRDS IN THEIR FIRST WINTER (1CY/2CY birds in October–April)
Part 4: BIRDS IN THEIR FIRST SUMMER (2CY birds in May-September)
Part 5: BIRDS IN THEIR SECOND WINTER (2CY/3CY birds during October-April).
Below, we continue with PART 6: Older immature plumages
(3CY–5CY birds). "we" in the text below refers to the original authors. If any errors occur in this text, please let me know and mail to marsmuusseatgmaildotcom.
Older immature plumages
(3CY–5CY birds)
Moult and plumage development
The second complete moult takes place
during the summer and autumn of the third
calendar-year and brings in new, pure grey
feathers to the mantle, wing-coverts and tertials.
The third-generation primaries have
small white tips (unlike first- and second-generation
ones), as well as large mirrors on
P10 and, most frequently, also on P9. The
outer primaries are otherwise blackish and
the inner ones have adult grey tones. Once this moult is complete, birds can be regarded
as being in third-winter plumage (here, here & here) and, overall, they show a greater
resemblance to adult than earlier immature
plumages. The upperparts are largely grey,
with variable amounts of brown retained in
the tertials and coverts. This plumage is
retained over the winter and following
spring/early summer, when the third complete
moult takes place. This brings fourth-generation
primaries and fully adult
upperpart tones; normally, the only traces of
immaturity are dark marks in the primary
coverts and on the bill. The following text
deals primarily with third-winter birds, but
provides some information and illustrations
of fourth-winter individuals.
Larus cachinnans 3cy, 10 September 2009, Preila, Lithuania. Picture: Chris Gibbins. This bird is
near to the end of its moult
into 3W plumage (the
outer primaries are not
quite fully grown). A
number of subtle features,
used collectively, make 3W
Caspian Gulls rather
distinctive, but as all are
found from time to time in
Herring Gulls, none are
diagnostic.This bird
show 'lead shot' eyes,
contrasting with a clean
white head, greeny-yellow
bill and grey-flesh legs. |
Larus cachinnans 4cy, 10 April 2009, Riga, Latvia. Picture: Chris Gibbins. The extent of any brown
remaining in the wing of
this age group is variable – this bird has rather a lot of
dark in the coverts, but
none in the tertials. |
Larus cachinnans 4cy, February 08 2010, Riga, Latvia. Picture: Chris Gibbins. A bird with soft, greybrown
patterning in the
coverts and some brown
remaining in the tertials.
All the plumage features
and bare-part colours
visible in this bird can be
found from time to time
in Herring Gulls, so it
illustrates nicely the fact
that identification of birds
in this age group should be
supported by structure and,
ideally, voice. |
Larus cachinnans sub-adult, February 26 2011, Ashdod, Israel. Picture: Amir Ben Dov. The primary pattern of this bird is beginning to take
on some of the features of adults – note the grey
tongues eating into the black wing-tip. The outer
primary coverts and the alula retain extensive,
blackish-brown marks. |
Once the second complete moult is finished
(and third-winter plumage attained),
the mantle and scapulars are generally adult
grey, while the coverts are most frequently a
mixture of grey and creamy-brown. There is
much variability in the coverts, with some
birds having wholly grey feathers. Brown
feathers tend to be retained more in the marginal
and lesser coverts, with the medians
and greaters being contrastingly grey. The
tertials are either all adult-like or have some
brown patches. The outer primary coverts
and the alula also retain extensive, blackish brown
marks (plate 82). The secondaries of
some birds have small, neat brown centres
forming a broken bar. The tail pattern is
extremely variable. Frequently there is an
obvious vestigial tail band created by isolated
black spots, rather like that of second-winter
Ring-billed Gull L. delawarensis; such tail
bands also occur in michahellis but are very
rare in third-winter Herring Gulls. Some third-winter cachinnans, however, have a
wholly white tail.
Although not yet the full adult pattern, the
third-generation primaries of cachinnans offer useful identification clues. There is a
broad, complete black band across P5 and
usually some black on P4, either on both
webs or just the outer. Third-winter birds
that have limited or no black on P5 are
unlikely to be cachinnans or michahellis. The
white mirror on P10 can be a useful distinction
from michahellis: in terms of size and
prominence, the P10 mirror of most third-winter
cachinnans matches that of an adult michahellis (much larger than on third-winter
michahellis, which have either no
mirror or only a small one). Most third-winter cachinnans also show a white mirror
on P9, unlike michahellis (but see plate 84).
Third-winter Herring Gulls can also show a
reasonably large mirror on P9 and P10;
argentatus can show a long white tip to P10,
with only a small dark subterminal smudge
(plate 86). Thus, the patterns on P9 and P10
are not diagnostic of third-winter cachinnans and are more useful for ruling out michahellis than Herring.
argentatus Herring Gulls in 3W often show extensive brown wash
to the wings, a well-streaked head, have only limited
black on P5 and (already) a very pale eye. Individually
and collectively, these features make confusion with cachinnans unlikely. 3W argenteus Herring Gulls
regularly show a complete, deep black band across P5.
So, the presence of a black band on P5 is not a key
feature at this age. Note that P10 is not yet fully grown by November in many northern argentatus. |
Larus argentatus argentatus 4cy, February 07 2013, Katwijk, the Netherlands. Picture: Mars Muusse. |
Larus argentatus argentatus 3cy, Katwijk, Netherlands, 17 November 2009. Picture: Mars Muusse. |
On some third-winter cachinnans, the
middle primaries (P6–P8/P9) have black that
extends further up the outer web than the
inner; this gives the impression of grey
'tongues' cutting into the black of the wingtip,
a pattern that develops more strongly in
adults. This is very different from argenteus Herring Gulls and especially michahellis (plate 84), both of which show a solid, triangular
black wedge across the wing-tip. Not all cachinnans have the distinctive tongued
pattern, and so match michahellis and
Herring Gull. Both cachinnans and michahellis show dark marks on the alula and
primary coverts, which tend to be blacker
and more clearly defined than in Herring
The head of cachinnans tends to be clean
white, lacking distinct streaking. In autumn
and early winter, a relatively neat half-collar
of dark streaks is usually visible on the hindneck
and can make cachinnans distinctive
even at a distance. This streaking wears away
as the winter progresses. Herring Gulls have
more widespread, diffuse and blotchy head
and neck streaking. The head streaking of
3CY–4CY michahellis in winter is often concentrated
around the face rather than
restricted to the hindneck.
In the summer of their fourth calendar year,
the third complete moult brings in
fourth-generation primaries. Once this is
complete, birds are generally regarded as
being fully adult, although some retain dark
markings on the bill and black in the primary
coverts and at the tip of P10. Confident
ageing of such birds is difficult, however,
since dark marks in the primary coverts and
small areas of black in the bill are occasionally retained well into full adulthood. The fourth-generation primaries of cachinnans are similar to those of adults, with a long
white tongue on the underside of P10 and
grey tongues eating into the black wing-tip
on the upperside of P8–P10.
Larus michahellis lusitanius 3CY, Ares beach, NW Spain, November 27 2009. Picture: Antonio Gutierrez. There is some variation in the michahellis group, with "lusitanius" birds on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsular. They often look slimmer and more elegant, lacking thefierce angular head shape of many michahellis, and this, compared to the more slender bill may sometimes give birds a cachinnans-look. However, note the rich yellow tones in bare parts in this November bird, something that will be more and more obvious in spring birds. |
Larus michahellis 4CY, January 26 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. Picture: Volkan Donbaloğlu. Birds of this age are variable.This one has
an obvious mirror in P10 but on others it is much smaller or even lacking. It has a clean white tail
but many retain vestigial dark marks. The extensive blackish-brown primary coverts contrast with the
otherwise grey upperwing. The black of the primaries forms a solid wedge on the outer wing in michahellis. |
Bare parts
The third-winter bill has a mix of blackish
brown and paler areas. Black is usually confined
to the gonys region as a diffuse 'thumbprint',
with a paler tip and basal third to the
bill. Some isolated darker smudges are often
present closer to the base, and many have a
little black bleeding along the cutting edge
from the gonys. The pale parts of the bill are
most frequently a dull greeny yellow, typically
with a strong grey cast. Some have
rather more yellow-toned bills. Red is not
prominent in the gonys of cachinnans of this
age. The legs are invariably a rather colourless,
dead-flesh grey, compared with the
pinker legs of Herring Gulls. The legs of
third-winter michahellis are usually greeny-yellow
or grey-yellow, with some having clear
yellow tones; they can, however, occasionally
be dull flesh-coloured as in cachinnans. The
eyes of most cachinnans still look dark
brown, but slightly paler irides may develop
from this age onwards. Most but not all michahellis and Herrings of this age have
paler (greeny- or greyish-yellow) eyes. It is
rare for cachinnans of this age to have very
pale (cream or yellow) eyes, and such birds
should be scrutinised closely. Eye-ring colour
tones of third-winter birds also begin to
reflect those of adults (see below).
Despite often looking distinctive, third-winter
and third-summer birds have no truly
diagnostic plumage features. In essence, the
distinctive features of younger birds have
been lost, while the adult wing-tip pattern
has not developed sufficiently for it to be
considered critically important. Identification
should be based on a careful assessment
of structure, in combination with indicative
plumage features listed above, and the
absence of anomalies.
Some cachinnans of this age can be particularly
tricky to separate from michahellis.
Near-adult michahellis often have dark eyes
and smaller individuals can have bill shape and overall jizz reminiscent of some cachinnans.
Some cachinnans lack grey tongues in
their third-generation primaries and so
overlap with michahellis; however, they
should have larger mirrors than michahellis.
Long call and associated posture are the best
way to separate the more difficult individuals.
Experienced gull-watchers are unlikely to
mistake third- and fourth-winter Herring
Gulls for cachinnans, but others should be
aware of the problem posed by argentatus.
Some late-winter argentatus are clean-headed
and share some aspects of the cachinnans wing-tip pattern – with a long white tip to
P10 and grey tongues that invade the black
wing-tip. While the irides of most Herring
Gulls will be rather pale by their third winter, a significant proportion retain dark eyes: a
clearly pale eye in a near-adult gull is not
good for cachinnans but a dark eye does not
automatically rule out Herring Gull.
Larus cachinnans 2CY-5CY UKK T-001874 May 2010 - July 2013, Windheim & Deponie Pohlsche Heide - Minden, Germany.
Picture: Armin Deutsch. |