Coordinator: Greg Neubauer Marcin Przymencki Albert de Jong Mars Muusse cachinnans plumages |
Larus cachinnans? 1CY 379H November 20 2011, Jakuševec-Zagreb, Croatia. Picture: ringing team Luka Jurinovic. Orange 379H, ringed at Zagreb landfill. Difficult bird. Note strong resemblance to michahellis: relatively extensive streaking on head for cachinnans, but also note new grey scapulars showing just a dark shaft streak, Venetian blind effect on inner primaries, and simple pattern on (inner) greater coverts. White tipped bill commonly seen in michahellis and lack of apical spots on outerwebs of inner primaries also more typical for michahellis.
below: michahellis 1CY 393H November 20 2011. 1CY michahellis 393H for comparison: note difference in inner primaries, pattern on new scapulars with bold anchors and 'clean' proximal rectrices, lacking spots and barrings, especially on outer rectrices.