Coordinator: Greg Neubauer Marcin Przymencki Albert de Jong Mars Muusse cachinnans plumages |
Larus cachinnans 2CY 043H February 06 2011, Jakuševec-Zagreb, Croatia. Picture: ringing team Luka Jurinovic. 1st winter, ringed at Zagreb landfill. Together with orange 023H, L. michahellis 3CY (2nd winter).
Comparison: orange 040H, 1st winter michahellis, same location, same date. Note large amount of replaced inner wing-coverts, which indicate michahellis & cachinnans, then note streaked head and breast, dark outerweb of inner primaries, patterned underwing, chocolate brown wash rather then greyish brown tone (greyish brown more typical for cachinnans) and bold markings on 2nd gen coverts and scapulars all indicating michahellis.