Coordinator: Greg Neubauer Marcin Przymencki Albert de Jong Mars Muusse cachinnans plumages |
Larus cachinnans 2CY 22BH January 22 2012, Jakuševec-Zagreb, Croatia. Picture: ringing team Luka Jurinovic. Orange 22BH, ringed at Zagreb landfill. Small bird. Note: not much streaking on white head, new grey scapulars showing just a dark shaft streak, pale brown-grey tone to plumage, Venetian blind effect on inner primaries and apical spots on outerwebs of inner primaries, simple pattern on (inner) greater coverts, pale underwing and underparts, broad tail-band of evenly width towards outer rectrices and multiple subterminal bands on outerweb of R6.
below: michahellis 2CY 15BH January 22 2012, Jakuševec-Zagreb, Croatia. Picture: ringing team Luka Jurinovic. Same date, same location 2CY micha for comparison: note streaked head, especially behind eye, high thick bill, clean outerwebs of R6, weak Venetian blind effect, barred underwing coverts, extensive dark centres of scapulars.