Coordinator: Greg Neubauer Marcin Przymencki Albert de Jong Mars Muusse cachinnans plumages |
Larus argentatus sensu lato P407 adult, April 20 2012 & September 21 2012, Wytyckie Lake - Urszulin, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. For 2012, breeding location of 150 pairs cachinnans, of which 54 adults ringed and 158 pulli in 2012 (pers comm. Łukasz Bednarz). It is assumed that this population does not consist of pure cachinnans only; some hybridisation may occur, therefore the ringing centre in Poland decided to label difficult birds as "Larus argentatus sensu lato". Still bulk of the breeding birds in Wytyckie Lake show features of cachinnans. Please visit Łukasz's BLOG for beautiful drawings and up-to-date gull news from eastern Poland: Wildlife art and illustration below: Larus argentatus sensu lato P407 adult, April 20 2012, Wytyckie Lake - Urszulin, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. Breeding bird trapped at the nest. Adult resembling argentatus in P10 pattern, gonys angle, pink legs, clean iris; but every character in itself may be within limits for pure cachinnans.
below: Larus argentatus sensu lato P407 adult, September 21 2012, Wytyckie Lake - Urszulin, Poland. Picture: Łukasz Bednarz ringing team. Head streaking more than average for most cachinnans, maybe pointing to hybrid genes. |