Larus cachinnans in the Netherlands

(last update: August 16, 2020)

Albert de Jong
Merijn Loeve
Roland-Jan Buijs
Thijs Horst
Leon Kelder
Mars Muusse


Caspian Gull cachinnans F.M 1CY, June & September-October 2021, the Netherlands & Belgium. Picture: Gunther Groenez, Jeroen Nagtegaal & Wouter Faveyts.

Red tibia R-FM and metal NLA Arnhem 5.550.685, ringed as pullus Larus cachinnans on 26-06-2021 at nest 14 in Lelystad (Bataviahaven), Holland (NL 5230.00 N 525.00 E) - ringer Jeroen Nagtegaal.
ID certain in 2020 & in 2021, both parents are the same as previous year, Caspian Gull cachinnans.

Visits and data nest 14:

  egg no: width (mm) length (mm) volume (cm3):  water test on April 27th:  
16-04-2021 A egg 52,2 73,9 101,39 40 - tip on bottom 3 eggs.
B egg 51,2 73,7 97,28 40 - tip on bottom  
C egg 50,2 68,7 87,17 30 - tip on bottom  
26-04-2021 Partner 1 at blocks in front of nest. Seemingly same parents as last year.
15-05-2021 3 eggs. (in retrospect: we should have checked for presence of letters on the eggs. Was this the still the same brood as on April 26th?)
28-05-2021 2 eggs + 1 chick (1 day old). What has been the breeding period for these eggs??? Was there a rapid 2nd attempt in late April???
  Female at nest, but P10 slightly ackward for pure cachinnans? (probably wrong bird?)
08-06-2021 Male is cachinnans.
  Female appears at blocks with one chick.
  metal tibia mass head + bill wing  
26-06-2021 .5550684 r-F.L 859 111,7 264 cachinnans
  .5550685 r-F.M 948 112,8 252 cachinnans
  .5550686 r-F.N 912 112,2 228 cachinnans

25-07-2021, Almere (Oostvaardersplassen), Flevoland, NL 5.226,00 N 517,00 E colourring read Maarten Hotting
06-09-2021, Oudenaarde (Schelde), Oost-Vlaanderen, BELGIE 5.050,00 N 337,00 E colourring read Gunther Groenez
16-10-2021 Merelbeke (Sluizencomplex), Oost-Vlaanderen, BELGIE 5.100,00 N 345,00 E colourring read Wouter Faveyts

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans F.M 1CY, October 16 2021, Merelbeke, Belgium. Picture: Wouter Faveyts.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans F.M 1CY, September 06 2021, Oudenaarde (Schelde), Belgium. Picture: Gunther Groenez.

below: Caspian Gull cachinnans F.M 1CY, June 26 2021, Lelystad, the Netherlands. Picture: Jeroen Nagtegaal & Mars Muusse.