Jean-Michel Sauvage (France)
Mars Muusse (the Netherlands)
hg rings
Herring Gull plumages:
1cy July
HG 1cy August
HG 1cy September
HG 1cy October
HG 1cy November
HG 1cy December
2cy January
HG 2cy February
HG 2cy March
HG 2cy April
HG 2cy May
HG 2cy June
HG 2cy July
HG 2cy August
HG 2cy September
HG 2cy October
HG 2cy November
HG 2cy December
3cy January
HG 3cy February
HG 3cy March
HG 3cy April
HG 3cy May
HG 3cy June
HG 3cy July
HG 3cy August
HG 3cy September
HG 3cy October
HG 3cy November
HG 3cy December
sub-ad Jan.
HG sub-ad Feb.
HG sub-ad March
HG sub-ad April
HG sub-ad May
HG sub-ad June
HG sub-ad July
HG sub-ad Aug.
HG sub-ad Sept.
HG sub-ad Oct.
HG sub-ad Nov.
HG sub-ad Dec.
adult January
HG adult February
HG adult March
HG adult April
HG adult May
HG adult June
HG adult July
HG adult August
HG adult September
HG adult October
HG adult November
HG adult December |
Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY-3CY, October 2016 - February 2018, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Arnhem NLA 6.178.524 and plastic tibia Y-A||V, ringed as Herring Gull 1cy male on September 19 2016 at Scheveningen (Boulevard), the Netherlands (5206.00 N 417.00 E) by ringer Roland-Jan Buijs.
20-9-2016 Scheveningen (Boulevard), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.206,00 N 417,00 E colourring read N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
3-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse & Rob Hoeben
7-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Binnenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 425,00 E colourring read Annelies Marijnis
9-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Annelies Vriens
10-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
16-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
20-10-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Annelies Marijnis
21-10-2016 Leidschendam (Starrevaart), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.206,00 N 426,00 E colourring read Kees Dijkstra
4-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse & Rob Hoeben
11-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse & Frank van der Meer
16-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
21-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Annelies Marijnis
23-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Buitenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.212,00 N 423,00 E colourring read Frank van der Meer & Annelies Marijnis
24-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
25-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
26-11-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Binnenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 425,00 E colourring read Ad van Benten
19-12-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
21-12-2016 Leidschendam (Prinsenhof), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.205,00 N 423,00 E colourring read Menno van Lopik & Michèl Gieskens & Peter Bierens
29-12-2016 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Annelies Marijnis
19-1-2017 Scheveningen (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.206,00 N 415,00 E colourring read Cornelis Fokker
21-1-2017 Katwijk aan Zee (Binnenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 425,00 E colourring read Annelies Marijnis
27-1-2017 Katwijk aan Zee (Buitenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.212,00 N 423,00 E colourring read Jacques de Raad
6-3-2017 Katwijk aan Zee (Binnenwatering), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 425,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 3CY, February 23 2018, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, September 17 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
P9 f.g.; P10 growing.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, August 25 29 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
P8 f.g. ((P8>P7) and P9-P10 growing. S1-S2 growing, central secs missing, and moutl wave started from lower tertials. Small block of secs (approx S15-S17) still old juvenile. Gap in GC row closed.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V moult progress in the scapulars.
One of the good things about ringed gulls: throughout the season you're pretty sure the same individual bird is involved all the time.
Therefore you can compare the plumage - like in Herring Gull Y[A||V], between early winter (1CY Oct) and late winter (2CY April), or if you like early and late 1st cycle plumage.
Yellow A||V nicely illustrates three issues:
- By October some 2nd gen scapulars are already slightly bleached to white; these are among the earliest replaced scaps right after the juvenile feathers are dropped.
- By April the feathers at this exact location is obvious greyish, and fresh. This is now 3rd generation.
- By late October the lower scaps are still juvenile, but not anymore in April. Therefore it illustrates that moult in the scaps continues throughout the winter months, albeit at low pace.
It supports also the assumption for 1st cycle Herring Gulls, that "if you find fresh scaps in the upper region or the upper row of the lower region, while the long rear scaps have been replaced, the aforementioned scaps are most probably 3rd gen".

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, April 29 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
P1 missing.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, April 23 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Master of the beach. Complete moult officially started with dropping of P1.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, April 02 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 2CY, March 06 2017, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Probably male.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, December 19 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, November 25 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, November 24 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, November 16 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, November 11 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, November 04 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, October 16 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, October 10 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

below: Herring Gull (argenteus) A||V 1CY, October 03 2016, Katwijk, the Netherlands.
Almost all scaps replaced.
