Herring Gull (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: February 11, 2013)

Herring Gull (argenteus) D||B 2CY, May 02 2017, Oudeschild - Texel, the Netherlands.

Ringed in the Netherlands. Tibia yellow Y-D||B and metal Arnhem 6178661. Ringed as 1cy female on November 12 2016, at Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, the Netherlands (5302.00 N 451.00 E), by ringer Roland-Jan Buijs.

4-12-2016 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Bob Loos
4-12-2016 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read C. Beijer & J. Beijer
18-12-2016 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Bob Loos
18-12-2016 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Pieter Duin
14-1-2017 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Bram ter Keurs
2-5-2017 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
2-5-2017 Oudeschild (Haven), Texel, NL 5.302,00 N 451,00 E colourring read Peter van der Meer

Rear lower scaps still juvenile.