Herring Gull (argentatus & argenteus)

(last update: February 11, 2013)

Herring Gull F|R 2CY, February & May 2019, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

Tibia W-F|R and metal NLA 6204739, ringed as 1cy Larus argentatus on 4-9-2018 at Scheveningen (Boulevard), Zuid-Holland (NL 5206.00 N 417.00 E), by ringer Roland-Jan Buijs.

12-09-2018 Scheveningen (Boulevard), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.206,00 417,00 E colourring read N. Huig & R.J. Buijs
07-12-2018 Den Haag (Zuiderpark), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.203,00 417,00 E colourring read Leo Snellink
20-12-2018 Den Haag (Zuiderpark), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.203,00 417,00 E colourring read Leo Snellink
18-01-2019 Meijendel (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.208,00 419,00 E colourring read Peter Spierenburg
07-02-2019 Den Haag (Zuiderpark), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.203,00 N 417,00 E colourring read Leo Snellink
17-02-2019 Scheveningen (Havens en Havenhoofden), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.206,00 N 416,00 E colourring read Marius van der Flier
25-02-2019 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
25-05-2019 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse
26-05-2019 Katwijk aan Zee (Strand), Zuid-Holland, NL 5.213,00 N 424,00 E colourring read Mars Muusse

below: Herring Gull F|R 2CY, May 26 2019, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

Construction works going on: Authorities raise the beach with sand replenishment.

below: Herring Gull F|R 2CY, February 25 2019, Katwijk, the Netherlands.

Only few upper scaps replaced recently, lower scaps still juvenile. Probably from northern stock.